FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

personal ranking
Submission 1 - Appelsiini - lines are a bit messy, and originality is low. it just looks like the person traced appel’s avatar and colored it in with the same colors. This isn’t inherently bad by itself, but it’s not what was looking for when voting
Submission 2 - Orange - lol
Submission 3 - Orange - the circle isn’t perfect, the dots are too small. looks like it was drawn with a cursor.
Submission 4 - idk who that is lol
Submission 5 - Conroy - by itself doesn’t look too bad? the proportions of the head are a bit off, and it was clear that you didn’t have good irl materials to color and shade. Good effort.
Submission 6 - Silviu - this, again, looks more like a trace of Silviu’s avatar than a drawing of what was actually in it. I can recognize the colors and dark/light spots in the drawing but not the actual clouds.
Submission 7 - Orange - creative, but didn’t really end up visually appealing
Submission 8 - eevee - I respect the effort, you probably haven’t practiced much with drawing and coloring but that’s fine and good. In terms of the actual drawing, the lines are a bit messy (using markers can be slightly unintuitive) and the colors are overall too dark. It’s a mistake a lot of beginners to coloring make.
Submission 9 - I don’t know whose avatar this is, but not bad, not bad. May be a bit visually bland, but the lines are neat. Probably would look better with a bit more shading on the hair and maybe some color.
Submission 10 - sulit - I respect going for some artistic differences. The colors are a bit pastel-y? It’s not as vivid as some of the other ones. You could also work on cleaning up your lines and shapes, they’re a bit messy and vague in places. but overall, the work is solid.
Submission 11 - uh i forgot to do this one lmao
Submission 12 - katze - Really solid, a non-digital one where the colors just work . It is the tiniest bit rough around the edges, which I find charming. It’s really good (and there’s not much to work with katze’s avatar!) but it doesn’t blow me away.
Submission 13 - ArcticXI - God, this is just, really good. the lines are well-defined and make sense (something I have a lot of trouble with!), the colors are great, the shading and lighting is amazing. (although the brown lines don’t really make sense on the black jacket.) I also did side-by-side comparison with arctic’s actual avatar and there’s small stuff like the chin jutting out more that makes it it’s own, and not just a player’s avatar. you really nailed this. It just looks so vivid.
Submission 14 - Luxy - pursuing linelessness can work, but i don’t think it does here. I recommend using a different brush (than the default circular all the time), choosing colors that aren’t super bright, and paying more attention to shading to open up the drawing and make it feel more alive, and less like splotches of color.
Submission 15 - Orange - dont really have much to say about this, orange’s avatar is straight-up hard to do without looking like an exact copy. if you wanted to go for more accurate, you could have used the circle tool again to define the line down the middle.


Good news, everyone! At 26,999 posts (cutting off at the end-of-game post), this is the longest game on the forums, and the only game longer than 20,000 posts!


who can i blame for not making one more post nya

it was a 47 player game that didn’t get canned day 2

instead it was almost canned d1



angy cat drawing poggers

its my new pfp on discord for now


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shitty orange pfp drawings moment


tl;dr: the winners were the best-drawn pictures imo

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tbh if i entered i was 100% gonna draw orange lmao

it’s just a funny colored yin yang

will make it considerably harder to realize how fucking awful my drawing skills are, especially when done with a fucking mouse and keyboard

was that an option you were seriously considering?

submission 2 exudes pure energy though

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idk what really happened but from what I know Eevee just wanted y’all to change the name so I don’t think canning it would have been an appropriate reaction

unless there’s legal stuff I’m not rlly aware of that would make changing the name still hold you accountable

We considered putting it on a longer hiatus until the situation was better sorted

But long hiatus = players drop out = lots of replacements = lack of replacements = modkills = not fun = can


Not really. Hell, after the name was changed there was nothing Eevee can do as the only thing that the hosts here were doing that could qualify as IP infringement was using the name Community Forum Mafia, which would still be a very weak case for it as that name is horribly generic.

Guess I should have done my last ISO on Orange and not Ghana. Realistically none of the thread left alive would have the gall to stand up to an Orange Katze scumteam though. Wp.


im ngl i was rly scared of you ISOing one of us and realizing we were aligned

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