FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

i’m torn on nyakatze

new read acquired

Nyarshal - felt good and natural in thread??? she’s totally capable of this in her normal-game wolfrange (other than a slight intangible tonal difference?), mashes are idk


might be wolfing, im also repping a secret suspect read on katze but i don’t intend on pushing that atm, not until a few things resolve

i feel like im pretty obviously a villager but go off

So people were asking vulgard about why his reads on kat and Ici have flip-flopped so much, and he gave the following answer:

I thought this seemed super weird given I didn’t at all feel like he had been posting everything going through his head and decided to poke at that a bit

He then responded in a way that told me he really did not understand what I was getting at (@Vulgard what did you think I was saying anyways?)

I was honestly ready to drop it there because I had him as one of my higher townreads but he pressed me for more details

And it’s from here that I completely fail to see where Vulgard is coming from.

He starts off by claiming that he has indeed actually not been providing everything he thinks to the thread, which is basically admitting that I was spot-on in my analysis, but he pre-emptively defends this by saying that lying for the benefit of the town is sometimes good.

And while I don’t disagree with his point itself, in context it’s just bizarre. A few posts ago he was defending his wacky progression on kat/Ici for being stream-of-consciousness, and it kinda feels like after I called him out for doing not that he moved the goalposts and is now defending his wacky progression as being lying for the sake of the village. I asked him why he’d have said that in the first place if it wasn’t even true, and mentioned I’d find the filter-less stream easier to read in the long run:

And he just, like, acknowledged he lied about it and tried changing the topic

I was weirded out so I kept pressing

And I was about ready to write this off but it was basically immediately after this that Vulgard, who has just spent the last several posts acknowledging that I am calling him out on lies he’s made, decides to revert to his yet-to-be-explained position of “orange wolf or bad”

Personally I will lie a lot as town in some cases - see Catgirl Bomb Nightless for a great example. But the reason I had such strong townreads on Cellcat and to a lesser extent HissingTimeBomb were expressly because they had gone out of their way to call out things I had actually lied about as being lies. There are very few things that show somebody is genuinely trying to solve me than them calling me out on something I genuinely faked, doubly so if they’re the only person to do so, and to me it’s incredibly off-putting that Vulgard went through this whole song and dance just to go back to his prior stance with no evolution. I had to go shortly thereafter (and may I mention that biking in 110 degree heat sucks ass), but this response has been eating at me the whole time.

i could realistically see myself both neighborizing katze and also ita-ing them tomeowrrow

Mafia is an open-world game where you travel around and acquire collectibles known as “reads”
it’s especially feelsgood when you find an ultra-rare VILLAGERS read or PROBABLY JUST A WOLF read
gotta collect them all


Tone within their posts.
Bare in mind these are my basic reads while I was skimming.
So they’re a summary of like 3500-ish posts (the thread)

So what is your point of the meta read?

this is exactly what i’d say to that post in RWBY

but go off

your thoughts on the game

I’m going to assume you gave them somewhere and will probably iso you for them in a bit

my internet is very shaky, so if I disappear that’s why

wait is gorta actually in the game

I thought that was a meme

isn’t he still blacklisted


people were calling you out for not posting much and i had vague recollections of that conversation so i shared it to spread the knowledge


not anymore and yes I am in this game

ah june 9th

Ah is there a reason or just putting me there just because?