FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

In any way I can help :smiley:

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i will look into this nya

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yeah no shit

I mean like
after 10 seconds of looking at the case having already skimmed his iso it looks bad and its overall agreeable
but theoretically I should actually deeper-read the iso

And Im glad things are getting better for you Whysper! And its alright if you can’t respond right away, just wanted to make sure everyone is alright!

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/vote tangeld

I posted almost the entire iso

I left out only two posts that I can remember

the RVS on Fire and him saying “oh Vulgard you don’t actually think I’m scum or you’d push harder… right?”

neither seem important

yeah that’s a good case

really solidifies the fact that I won’t move today

why did you end up there anywyas

While I am uninformed at the moment, I will say that Sulit is someone I consider to be town by their reads and tone. However, there is a fine line I will be watching for Sulit.


They made like 300-something posts

She’s either town or playing out of her fucking mind

Everyone so far has made many posts, some more than their usual games.

the scumlit activity tell is legit

I won’t use post count as a way to see someone’s wolfy-ness. There are simply too many different circumstances at play here than usual mafia games. Hence why I will watch them closely

so like
i have a mechanical conundrum
that im scared to crowdsource because of the anticlaim stuff

if she drops off hard in future days then you can start reconsidering but like postcount absolutely can be ai and ignoring that is silly at best

ive explained

I started off sheeping vul and its just kinda grown from there and I noticed threads response as well and that made me want to stay on there out of spite lol.

I think you’re town for making this case and consistently pushing them n im honestly saying the same for vul? ive noted like the same few people talking about astand and then nobody listening

sulit is just a villager tho nya

It isn’t even the activity overall, but how they are doing relative to everyone else. Posting a lot this time around doesn’t mean they still are doing much, especially when taking into account fluff. I’m honestly surprised people haven’t called me out on fluff posting a lot

I’ll skim lol’s iso probably