FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

do we know if Hippo does the rule of 3 thing or if he just randomly picks people to list as poe

this was really useful blizer actually lmao tyty

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i have no idea but the mason thing is the main reason i don’t think he’s partnered

Np arctic

oh yeah Hippo did the mason thing to Emilia early on D1 didnt he
i wrote something about it and Intensify nitpicked on it

This is very Kek tbh



this is now like

blatantly signaling i think so yeah

LW exists (Which isnt really shocking tbh)

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yeah i didn’t think he was packwolf after that tbh

i thought the only wolf who liked poetry was PKR tbh

guys i think arctic looks unpartnered :flushed:

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Seth wrote a poem for Leafia who was a lw before in BfoA2 fm

(reference to the Thing game btw)

oh lol

actually this makes me look incredibly partnered lmfao

he’s just saying i could be mafia but isn’t even pushing me

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when was that post made, was it around the time Marshal said she thought you were scum?

nope, it was today

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Okay i think this is kinda the last AI post from Hippo d1 really outside of ici and Amilia