FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)


no it’s mins


wait, mine***
typo, sorry minny

why :frowning:

am i allowed to complain about the top wagon being one of my top villagers again


then who would be right below mist

scroll down nerd

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we can yeet amelia instead if you want

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can’t we just kill joker

id prefer yeeting a townlean that is only above null for volume reasons than an obvious villager

but like ghana said

:joy_cat: joker :joy_cat:

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good place to start ITAs tomorrow
i kinda want to resolve katze’s and mine’s bet so i know whether or not to fucking shoot myself tonight

like seriously this is ridiculous

everyone seems to accept joker is scummy why does thread have to be taken kicking and screaming to get him dead

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Not when it’s my top wolf.
I mean, complain away if you want.
It’s just gonna do f all

can i just preflip ici V and say i won the bet

probably because he’s actually a wolf


