FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

yeah pretty much

both should just die imo

like even if icibalus is a wolf how can you not vote joker here

like seriously

I didnt say just say nonsensical things I meant youd do that at least more

it’s not subconscious i’m intentionally doing it

We did it, ladies and gentlemen, there’s one thing that’s wrong and that mean min has to not wolfread me anymore, yoohoo

/vote joker
Can someone post this in vote thread for me

you can still get a pelt, you haven’t been sentenced to death

i got you fam

I can’t even do it more if my sense of knowing on what Venus planet I am it’s down to the floor.


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Okay, I’ll bite, how is it so obvious?

What does this post mean :sob:

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because Ici was quite rude and I wasn’t going to argue or try to talk to a brick wall

you’re not seeing the gamestate from my perspective
i assure you that i am doomed here

even if you ignore all of the blatent role fishing

joker has literally been asking to die for the last day for literally no reason

that’s in my book called wolf tell 101


i legit dont know how to feel about ici’s AtE tbh

cause ive been in that position as town before, where your just overwhelmed and you think the thread is against you

literally happend in Rwby

but i also know wolves can mix in fake AtE with Real AtE


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:joy: :joy: :joy:
I can’t even post nonsensical stuff if I don’t even know on what planet I am.

ok so if you think you’re doomed then why would you not try to give legacy reads or something

you’re just giving up too easily and it looks like an excuse to do nothing for the remainder of the day or the remainder of your time alive if you end up dying today

You are on earth

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jokers actively been doing nothing

jokers done nothing but beg for death after the Queens started pushing on him

burn this slot with fire