FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


do we get extra posts for posting more pets

just go kidnap an ant

Event Results

@katze, @Italy, @orangeandblack5, and @Appelsiini have won the Pet Pictures event. They may each make a single public post in the game thread of up to 100 characters during the night.

@GGhana is a runner-up in the event. He may post a single MS Paint image in the game thread during the night; this image may not include text.

extra points

/ITA orangeandblack5

wow such power

oh you all know whats happening tonight


I stand by what I said

we’re all gonna chain a 400 letter copypasta


That feeling when you want to accompany this with a missed ITA, but instead just miss the event.


ha too late

alright nevermind kill appel

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oh on the off chance that does hit sheep mist

appel drastically misread the room

we’ve talked about all of my reads in greater depth than here

orange spewed V


These are probably about the worst people that could’ve won that event


appel dies here lmao

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