FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

Yes, I was actually just rereading it and I’m questioning current thread consensus.

lemme go do that then

I am not going to say it otherwise. Do your homework about that and you will understand the circumstances.

I’ll go read Ghana then I guess…


I’m an idiot

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So this is the role I get if I am Universal Backup as mafia.

Yes roles can be changed, but I can’t be changed later on.

me and italy both won that one overnight trivia event

the reward was a flavorcop called “eat”, we talked about both copping you but i forgot who we talked about and figured it wasn’t important enough to figure out so i just flavorcopped him instead

And secondly, if its down by one Mafia then yes by all means GGhana is cleared for being Mafia because GGhana send night action that is not a kill. Two actions done by single Mafia, how likely is this tinfoil?

solic most of your points about him voting wolves or whatever seem less clearing to me than I think they are to you

like the last scum clearly has some form of KP and he has been in by far the best thread position out of any scum that has died since, what, Hippo?

I also think “shoot [scum] if I die” holds no weight as being clearing because who’s gonna follow the reads of a flipped scum :stuck_out_tongue:

Except I haven’t softed that day. Hmm…

he also never shot any and none of his wagons actually went over (or came close as far as I can tell)

If I die before the final round then its over for the wolves.

If I am not then something’s wrong yes.

maybe I’ll do my own full iso later

Remember that detail on Day 1

has this actually triggered for frostwolf

no idea

if it hasn’t then frost is the imposter

can you copypaste misty’s ITA chart I’m too lazy

With little research on ISO on who got shot and voted then you know that ITA boost will work.

The targets I have selected have voted and shot before.