FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

if it helps you we all thought you were LW

okay, thank you for telling me

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i woke up at like
4 am
got out my phone
submitted what i thought was the tracker
didn’t even double check until i got the results
“oh shit”

i didnt think that what

…Was it the fact that I was scumhunting in thread but not really giving any townreads?

this was my legacy, overall 10/10 play from yours truly


Because I saw “you have to kill Cult Leaders” and legitimately went “Okay, I’m a 3P who hunts scum. This sure is a thing that forum mods and game reviewers would put into this damn game.” I wasn’t concerned with townreads because I spent like two thirds of my time in this game thinking that my goal was just kill two scum.

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that was me being pessimistic

I personally think i won sheep at the very least

  1. What is your alignment? - not some stupid 3p that we cant get spew reads off of
  2. Which player in this game do you most enjoy playing with? - myself
  3. If you could kill one player in the game, who would it be? - mysself
  4. Which host is the coolest? - katze
  5. Which game on FoL was the best? - Seth’s 5 role turbo
  6. Which FoL class is your favorite? (A list can be found here.) - Myself
  7. What is your favorite role to play? - lying darkness
  8. What role were you hoping to rand in this game? - compulsive d1 suicide bomber
  9. What flavor were you hoping to rand in this game? - myself
  10. Are you having fun? - Maybe

idr exactly because I didn’t really care to read you

not really my job, you know?

but I don’t think any of us read you as town after your response to our pushes

I think the funniest post I made in the game was talking about how people are scumresding my N0 for failing algebra

@katze what post gave you the impression that I was trying too hard to seem like a fake cop? I think it was probably the zoo one if anything but I just wanted to check

also i lost a bet

you making reads on luxy


that was a joke wtf

Then we finally asked “What are Cult Leaders in this game?” and were told that it’s part of the role description and can be town or scum. Still didn’t know what the hell a Cult Leader actually did, tried to ask if Cult Leaders knew that there was a claimvig after them and hosts wouldn’t tell us, then I died.

Alright next time I fake fake cop, I will not jokingly town read their posts lol

one sec i might be misremembering

you felt very stiff in terms of your presence in thread, your tone and behaviour was unnatural, espically how it changed as soon as vulgard started to wolfread you, and im not talking gradual

im talking a pretty significant shift in terms of your beheaviour there