1017.5 for the first one now
Event Results
Round 1
The closest answer was 23*(51 - √6) - 117.
Round 2
The closest answer was ((419 + 145)*212)/101 (submitted by 2 players).
Round 3
The closest answer was 101*√212 + 145 - 419.
Overall winner
The overall winner had a total difference of approximately 44.99602271. Their prize will be sent shortly.
you weren’t allowed to go over at all
you see
maybe someone should have mentioned that
why are there r3 stuff bor both r2 and r3
is it me
oh shit i won a dayvig lmao
What the fuck
Oh yeah? Shoot me with it then
Errata: The closest answer for Round 2 was 1337 / (1 - 69/420) (submitted by 2 players).
i won, prize is p boring
could give 1shot bpv to anyone in the game, wined it between myself and @sulit, she knows if she got it or not
my favorite part of WiFoM is the fact that canonically speaking, both cups are poisoned
marshal gave the bp to me
i was hoping to get day kp lol
but whatevs, vigs prob shouldn’t be handed out over maths anyways
I know that events can be just pure or just impure.
But I’m going to throw it out there that I would be surprised if everyone in an event is town.
I would think there’s at least 1 or 2 non town (if not more)
This is just a general mechanic thing based of player count but shrug
this game isn’t american enough to give out guns for doing good in school
AGREE and not just cause i suck at it
jesus christ kat