FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

okay yeah been there but that doesn’t explain the rolefishing


japanese katze is metal


what the fuck is thst

can you like send a video of this because I suspect the issue is I’m pronouncing it very differently than it’s intended

What role fishing? What?

very incorrect
signed, a linguist

meow and nya are phonetically very close and both fairly close to what a cat actually sounds like

in different cultures which speak different languages, different choices for these naturally arise

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Say both in a high pitched voice and they sound similar tbh

my favorite part of mashing is arguing about the phonetics of “nya” and “meow”

riveting content

nasal consonant + palatal glide into back vowel

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orange is objectively incorrect on the nya meow thing but other people are already burying him for that

I didn’t ask for anything to do with their role

I just said what I saw, they gave me the information, I didn’t do anything for it.

And this doesn’t even look like rolefishing at all, I didn’t ask for anything to do with his role, I didn’t care.

If you see someone who plays semi-seriously such as Marl suddenly going meow and nay like they’re Katze or somethin’, you aren’t just gonna ignore that

you literally did

hi waaaza



yes I am

Hi min I don’t have much time ily

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No you didn’t lmao, you pointed it out yourself