FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Hello fellow cats who meow

Hello Atoms and Molecules

Hello katmogus


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for no apparent reason does anyone want to tell us an interesting fact they would tell a stranger who asked them for an interesting fact

just in case a stranger does ask for said fact


Hello people who have a birthday

list randomizer is a great tool

If I knew what this was for I probably would’ve submitted something funnier. Mine realistically applies to several people on this forum, probably.

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why would you think IH ave one

can I just say I made an intelligent guess for every single one of my guesses in that event

get owner liberals

I tried to make mine fairly unique to just me lol.
But some of those… oh boy.

if i get more than 2 i am happy

No one will ever guess my fact

I am probably going to do nothing but push votes onto joker/silviu for the rest of the day phase

thaaaat doesn’t sound like a baseball champion to me



The game has been put on temporary pause.

Please be patient while the hosts sort a situation. Thank you.



The game has been put on hiatus for an unspecified amount of time.

A user on our forums by the name of eevee has decided to pursue legal action regarding international IP Infringement over the hosts/mods copying one of their game ideas.

The game will be paused until the hosts come to an agreement as to the best course of action. We apologize to everyone for this situation. Please do not discuss the game until it has continued or been canceled.

In addition, this user has been permanently banned from our site, and in the instance the game continues, their slot will be modkilled.

I will attempt to update you all as we discuss our options. Thank you for your patience.


For the record, eevee threatened legal action unless we were willing to change the name of the game thread.

An option we are heavily considering is running a parallel game under a different name.
New threads and rolecard PMs would be created as necessary, but all other aspects of the game would remain similar.

Thank you again for being patient.


The game will be continued, and all roles will remain the same.

All instances of ‘CFM3’ or ‘Community Forum Mafia’ will be changed to ‘FoL Annual Mash’ (FAMily)

eevee’s slot will be modkilled, and the card designed around him will be changed to the user osieorb18

Expect this to take 1-2 hours.

Day will be extended.