FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Who hurt you…

/vote FK

Why not.


orange double posted the same copypasta



I can’t read this quickly
or type

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I dont like this

It’s such a bitch move to vote someone.
But yall are being punk ass bitches by not voting too. :slight_smile:
I have love for this playerlist, or at least part of it

i cant tell if this is a serious read but i do fully believe double posting the same pasta is wolfy


(I don’t want zl to think I was serious)


actually agree

I imagine him much more frozen as a wolf.

And not the type of person who’d make a jab so early, like he did with Intensify and especially FK.

That’s about it.

It’s thin as hell of course. But idc.

/vote PKR
Your move, bitch. :upside_down_face:

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also hardclaiming masons with @Tangeld

anticlaim this you losers

that read is bad on maxi in particular

I think Astand is mafia.


With voting no elimination “because we have no information and it’s mean”

Bitch please, starting the game off with being wrong on me is not impressive.

sounds like someone’s jealous that im already pocketed

actually agree (#2)

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Everyones a wolf