FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

vulgard has made 1 (one) villagery post

i’ll lay off of them for a bit but i’m currently at like… 97% mafia

Vul has towny posts

I saw a very genuine moment from you that I think is likely to be a misunderstanding (Vul TMIng you V, supposedly)

So you’re T/T

Havent read much this is what I scrambled


Appel- Didnt know about ITAs
Arctice- feels solvey
Nightgale- same as arctic

LF- appeared into thread and disappeared. Will relook this depending on the reason they give.
Intensify- Tryharded early, but still tried to use early game as excuse for being read as W.

Min- Game start was really wolfy. It fits usual playstyle of existing, but not meaningfully interacting with the thread or solving which is common pattern in wolves early game.

vul, that’s a “just so” explanation

and im a wolf for overplaying my reads

what ZE FUCK

katze i just got done playing against wolf vulgard
this isn’t it

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How can you be so abysmal at actually reading what I’m saying?

i haven’t really performed any iso but i can feel that vul is not town
deep within my soul

I was being a little passive up until now because it’s my first attempt at a mash and I have no idea how to engage seriously, but Vul just grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in, so now I guess we’re doing this.

Watch people call this W/V.

uh nya

Because associative reads are the new hip thing.


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Is there something I’m missing?

vul spewing tan V when he inevitably flips mafia killpower :sunglasses:

vul you’re still supposed to have REASONS for what you’re SAYING even if it’s a tinfoil


Omg it’s W/V

This post was written by someone who hasn’t seen my mash play.

Okay, but if you don’t have confidence in the read to the point where you’re gonna label it as a tinfoil, why the hell post it? There’s enough pointless chatter going on in this thread, we have forty-seven damn players. If you’re going to make a read, at least have some confidence in it.

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Is this where I post my 100% pure towncores from two MU mashes where I didn’t give reasons for any of them being town and where I had no TMI?