FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)


this is a serious question

meh (like with a d1 vig shot) isn’t as bad, its possible consideratioon

i put you under >rand W and then took you out when you posted slightly better

why did u even iso me in particular

I don’t enjoy your company as a person. :slight_smile:

Mood lol

your opening was derpy

marissa have i mentioned that i’m just trying to litmus test the thread and i am Not paying absolute attention

because really i sort of just want to drift around and read more people rather than argue right now

Fair. On a certain level I’m struggling to keep up with this fucking madhouse. I tried to sink in on Vul’s take on me, but he abandoned that like immediately after I did so.

I saw you posting

mist made 13 posts and dipped
as time passes, this may look very good or very bad

good answer

Oh no lol

what a terrible idea

@Marshal why are you ignoring me talking to you

u do realize i have no actual read on u right

is this because you think I’m bad at mafia or bad at life

…i may not be smart.

he has arrived
we are saved

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ngl its a bit unsettling given i have the opposite impression and imo a good read on you but his posting seems fine otherwise and its sufficiently “lolmarl” to probably ignore