FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

TL is still a wolf btw

Im game for Tan/orange wagon

tan hasnt improved in my eyes today tbh from when i last commented on the slot

Orange is in his W!meta and mindset

vote is going on Tan for now

/vote Tangeld

lmao, I feel bad for you, your rolecard was cool as well

villas from memory:


everyone else wasn’t villagery enough to make the cut a 2nd time

And last time you had this read you misyeeted me day 1 :laughing:

Why a Leafia or Silveiu wagon? I can understand Orange honestly though.

I don’t want to vote for tan cause there’s no drama

town godfather disabled one shot joat arms dealer italy died too soon

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I’m also villgery btw

did FK die because he claimed to have the omega symbol

this made me laugh way too hard lmao

leafia’s posting is p wolfy tbh but i’ll wait a bit on that one

their defense of tan here feels like it’s stretching itself super thin, but i didn’t hate their posting earlier and think their volume is villagery

explain :flushed:

It was some live posts last night i think or this morning (timing matters less here)

Felt nautral and unforced within its context.

ill just repost my reads and hope in vain that it helps a t all


suwulit - has overall good posts that make good waterfalls, readze in #615, overall just feels very nautral in thread
Clonedscheesei - vtillager liean - has nover not ranedde vilalger
katzei - aopening reads good and didnt rand woolf int 25 gamse or soemthing, reads overall are agreeabel and vibe with. read on vulgard feels like return of upick and shows genuine concern for the threadstate w/r/t their reads!
Luxy - peeked by FK

G. G. Hana - words all over thread. everywhen. naturalle and yeth, shows solvy wordss.
KyoDaz - v - good opening, solvy reads, hasn’t been that active but that’s approximately fine
min - kat haz meta-readizzz on them, they don’t feel fake (crux of teh metaread). reads themselves arent spectacular but /shrug. dont feel terrible. I actually sort of agree with themetaread.
Mistyx - read on vulgard in 2328 actually looks really solid, has nuance that shes not showing in thred
Lunya - stance on reads could go either way but overall they haven’t been like. bad. or trying to chokehold the thread or anything. something. ALso large nervous energy. Also reads look very natural. Wolves do not often think in metaphors when their only job is presenting reads to the village.

Trustworthei - all-around good vibes
PokoemonKindRyan - reaction to pressure actually is pretty natural? not like in Return of Darkness. Reads actually looking pretty natural. I like them.

Prince Arc’ic - one good post maybe sure, need solving thououg. also theyre funny i guess. nothing realyly special here , just normal arc’ic stuff and nothing I think is unreplicateable
Conroy France-san - did some solving I guess?
Bilzer - take on intensify in 879 makes sense frm threaadnstaate
Intensify-san - opeing looks eh whatever. process is fine, some posts (2216) show desire to go deeper that wolves sometimes haven’t
Nyarshal - felt good and natural in thread??? she’s totally capable of this in her normal-game wolfrange (other than a slight intangible tonal difference?), mashes are idk

Vulgard - idk anymore lul

Orance - >:(
Windward-san - overall doesn’t feel very flowy?, response to pressure actually looks bad lol
Maximilian - “reads” are mostly cop-outs and they dont have a desire to solve the game really
astand - sheeped read off of thread, need to self-evaluate

Lukundei - Reads salad. doesnt feel motivated to solve.

I suppose my games still influence the forum for memes.

psa: catgirl passive probably means something and it was probably tacked onto more than one rolecard

if your wondering why i dont think a silvu wagon cuts it

Slot is offering no info whatever he flips tbh

Tan and orange atleast offer something to start with and build on

though all 3 are quite bad

TL tming tan town

frostwolf is still not villagery

im gonna break from thread for a bit i dont feel great