FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Am I the first?

missing the point huh.
Got it so if someone blatantly claim something I should ignore it.

not really, nothing more to add?

still didn’t answer the question, what did my question change?

Whatze fuck

do that

i mean i would consider you suiciding on her to be a bit wasteful

but also would shut people up

Wait it’s the desperado


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i like the voters on whysper and i don’t like whysper’s posts rn

No, the NPC is suppose to kill you by EoD, so you aren’t a wagon

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yeah im fine with it

Well :man_shrugging:
If they are suspected I should shoot kinda thoughts. Idk guess have time to think still about this but between joker and Ici I would rather shoot Ici. Since if both are town I would rather leave a confirmed Ici

whysper/kyo w/w you heard it here first (maybe)

/vote whysper

would prob vote joker to save ici from what i remember but whysper is my preference

Wait where did the Kyo wagon go?

I cast a spell and it disintegrated

Hey Whysper, what’s your personal shotlist?

Very helpful, thanks

What’s the case on Joker?

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He’s ruining gotham him and his goons are murdering people left and right just look at the videos it’s obvious it him behind it all.


Hmm, top 3 would be probably be Ici, Centuries, and Hippo. Resolving Ici with ITAs would be good. I also think Centuries could still be wolf. And then Hippo’s posting hasn’t looked good and would be acceptable for ITAs.

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BTW on mobile while in bed and might be falling asleep soon. But keep wanting to check thread also. :slight_smile:

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Hmm can you comment on your wagon?