FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

I don’t think Tangled wagon has much significance and has not been a main driver for the shotlist. Tangled was easy to push and so was lol. Lol was also a very bussable role.

I also never reread that eod in much depth though.

If I am overslept for two days I am supose to work then its clear sign my FM addiction is back again.


Not sure how much weight this holds either when barcode shot immediately when window started. I’m not surprised that a non threadcamper like Esooa doesn’t shoot right out of the gate.

Lol same.


Working at home doesn’t help, work meeting now so bye lol

About Centuries.

Not AI for GGhana, imo.

Hahahaha. Coming from the slot that didn’t vote that d1 and never talked about it.

Is this the spew that makes WWA look like a villager?

Kinda weird absence of Centuries considering her EoD1.

Insane wolfsiding throughout d2. You know who else wolfsided hard d2? Esooa?

Also, townreads cheese on d2 again. She has an odd insistence on townreading that slot.

Also, Cloned not making any reads is still true. What sulit said on day 1, in essence.

The last post is when Arctic suggested she may be distancing. Which, by the way, makes Arctic even more V.

Not knowing WWA’s pronouns is >rand not W/W. Haha, pronoun reads. Most likely NAI.

WWA is nutella’s hardest wolfread. Yet she agrees with WWA’s take here and it doesn’t make her reconsider. Not even a single thought about reconsidering.

Nutella with w!Windward here could take the opportunity to change her read. She didn’t.

I’m not 100% sure, but this makes WWA look decent.

Noting that Nutella seems to have forgotten about Centuries in the meantime.

Currently, my belief is that nutella’s thoughts on Centuries and WWA are decent looks for them. That said, these thoughts are not clearing for either of them.

I’ll check their ISOs later if I have the time.

I have pointed that out as well, there is talk about necromancer as well

I see nutella’s wolf play pattern is to pick a random villager to push every day. Once again, no mention to Centuries. Not even a mention of Windward! This time, I am the designated target.

…She takes the opportunity not to push Windward here. And she takes it when Esooa is brought up as the third cult leader. This is when nutella starts wondering if the cult leaders are all V.

Do I have to explain why this makes Esooa look even worse?

Idk what this makes wind. Nutella’s interactions with Centuries and WWA don’t lock them town.

Based on nutella’s play pattern, Centuries and WWA look like villagers, though. Centuries was her designated push d1, WWA d2, and Vulgard d3. I know Vulgard is town.

Her changing her Windward read could be an attempt to townclear Esooa upon learning that Esooa being a cult leader was public information. And her not pushing Centuries/WWA too hard is explainable, too. She might not have wanted to push them too hard, because she didn’t want to look bad off their V flips.

Need to read WWA and Centuries’ ISOs to figure out how they treated this, but yeah.

this is why katze smellsze

I read Esooa’s ISO and I see hard wolfsiding. I read nutella’s ISO and I see partnery treatment of Esooa (and also hard wolfsiding). I see Esooa’s shot on nutella and it’s a viable bus shot.

Idk if I’m tunneled or if Esooa’s mafia here.

I had Esooa as a gut read but Vul’s wall is convincing me to shoot there

I looked at Kat’s ISO yesterday because they were shown to have multiple bad takes and I wanted to see if she could be a wolf

I didn’t get to the point where I could conclude much, but their early read list was good apart from a few misclears, it didn’t follow the consensus and had flipped villagers in there

Kat constantly trying to get me to talk about my abilities while knowing there’s anti-claim mechanics is wolfy but I’ll let it be

I also decided that this was useless to out, but once again, I want to be readable

I’d be ready to shoot Esooa here but I don’t want to be impulsive just because I can’t play like I usually do (focusing on the quality of my reads over being present and readable)

So I’ll just settle for moving Esooa to my scumreads

Bus shots are kind of meeh with so few mafia alive. I think you’re overblowing the strength of your case a bit.

This is weird. Esooa and nutella have no real interactions d1 and d2. None at all. Trust me, or read their ISOs yourselves and learn that I am not lying or misrepresenting it.

Then comes d3. As soon as Nutella learns from someone that WWA is a cult leader and there’s a wolf between her/WWA, she tunnels WWA. Or at least, expresses intent to tunnel. But when Esooa is brought up as a cult leader as well, Nutella suggests they can all be town. This is someone with no prior read on Esooa. And yet, she has that thought right after Esooa’s name is brought up. I could see that being a snap reaction to realizing there are two village cult leader and she’s the only mafia one. In that world, she wants to self-preserve by calling them all town. But yeah.

Vice versa. Esooa has no read on Nutella. Come day 3, Esooa asks who to shoot. Could be interpreted as stalling, but it should be NAI. She is given a list of three names: Emilia, Centuries, Nutella. Shoots nutella without thinking about it twice. She has no reads on any of them. She didn’t give the shot any visible thought, only point and click. And this was after nutella called her town.

Sure, nutella flipped mafia. But the utter lack of progression makes me think Esooa knew exactly what she was doing.

Again, idk if I’m tunneled, but.

The best-looking thing for Esooa here is a conflict of agendas. Nutella is like ‘we could call be town! (nutella, Esooa, WWA).’ What does Esooa do? Doesn’t even read that and shoots nutella in ITAs.

That is also a fair point.

What about everyone else on the current shotlist?

Meh, I’m leaning in the direction of Esooa town with that in mind. The “conflict of agendas” thing seems solic d.

Thanks for talking to me about it, Solic.

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