FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

i can’t tell if you’re just an out of loop villager or a wolf faking being out of loop

Did the post go over your head or mine

an out of the loop wolf

Okay, I’m going to bed, I’ll try to be up before EoD, but might not make it.

/Vote Trustworthyliberal

This is for mechanical reasons, my vote is spiritually still fine on Uni/Whysper tbh.

Well of course, you don’t know me after all :D! Essentially I was stating how despite your quick to shade and accuse a player for lack of information I can’t mafia-read you for that, it seems opportunistic but I don’t know how you play in general to make such a move out of your own usual play style :smiley:

i was laughing at the sonic video because it sounded like nutella and uni

joker was mafia role
marluxoin title is joker
marluxoin scum

dybu dabu dybu dabu

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Deadass we should vote conroy prob

I wanna hear what windy thinks though if she reached my same conclusion

i’d argue against this but 3 wolves just died to an event that was obviously going to kill multiple people and they weren’t weak roles so this is actually a very plausible possibility lmao

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what on earth does this say

I can already smell the postgame salt regardless of the game’s outcome.

@WindwardAway can you tell me if you think conboy is more likely to be v or w from leafias posts here? I’m leaning w but I want your opinion too!

centuries is probably still a wolf but he’ll probably be the last one to die

lol what the fuck :laughing:

i can’t smell anything but i’ll take your word for it

It says Arctic is acting very opportunistic with their approach to my slot and to me thats mafia-y. But I can’t necessarily ride on that since I don’t know their usual play style and don’t want to make the same mistake they are making with my slot :smiley:

I literally cannot believe that just happened

Note how all three mafia roles to die there were pretty strong roles as well

that shit just made my day

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We have enough wolves dead now that even if you’re 99% on TL being a wolf we should let him desperado to tonight