FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)



idk but you can talk to my manager about it

you’re wrong it’s just the people who don’t like me are very very loud


I dont feel le getting on my comouter have fun everyone

damnit im having dinner

I can’t do this

I don’t really want Hippo shots.

I have tmi on this

orange should not open it

good things will happen if he doesn’t open it

My tmi is having a brain

Like, the Hippo scumread that I have seen is that he’s exactly LW and that seems… kinda likely to hit town?

Open it or no balls

i’ve explained why several times and i cba to do it again i’ll just explain why i thought you were a wolf if you flip green after gghana itas or something

the fact i forget derps exists might honestly be villagery for him

and ici is obvtown, marl is just dumb

wait do i even have tol installed lol

I wish I could join this event

not going to join this by the way, because it’s 11pm and if i do a big event i will Never Sleep

Theres probably not even a lost wolf in a set up with tons of neighborhoods and cults the concepts dont rlly mesh lol

the game is free :flushed:

thats stupid just say it again

I… don’t…

Do you think it’s going to be necessary?