FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

if anyone gets a flavor gun
shoot my flavor
i think it’d be absolutely hilarious and there’s also a decent chance it’s a neut

was pushing amelia so gets a day pass

katze and litlit neighborhood last nightze

apelsin join hood

is weird, we both found it sus :flushed:


Btw when did Frost disappear from shotlists?

er to specify apelsin join at end of night

no if i get one am shooting my flavor

i thought they got villagerier and iirc they were pushing wolves

we can give windward a day but im skeptical


can we quickhammer now

im the flavor vig and im shooting katze

I don’t think shooting at mafia and asking for credit to be not suspicious is a bad thing. But whatever happens happens :smiley:

ok i don’t have a greencheck on windward but they’re very clearly not a wolf with leafia
move on

The only thing I can recall about boats is you cant make single mistake. It usually happens with boat on fire, that sort of thing.

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i didnt like wind’s shade on me but shrug
thats literally just about the only thing i remember from their slot

it’s just not a thing

If you seriously are then I love you.
Because I’m telling you now it will be a positive thing

like I have some townreads and I’m confident enough that we just blast everyone except for them and we win

I want ITAs to open up again


Then i would be the only TL left

Lukundos Dead
His flavor is dead.

SOOOOOO :smiling_imp: