FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

oh also eli slot is something that exists isn’t it

yeah i have no idea about that

look for spew about SDA ig

i remember hippo posting something about SDA which looked really unpartnered

it was where he compained that SDA wasn’t being pushed for the same thing he was even though it’s actually AI for him

i have a wallpost full of Hippo AI quotes

want me to link it for you?

this post here is a wall of what i believe to be of Hippo’s AI posts for people still alive

this was it


emilia treatment doesn’t look partnered
more pockety tbh

that doesn’t look partnered to me, and ici flipped town anyway


the whysper one personally looks much more worse honestly after hippos flip

honestly ill look through Leafia spew as soon as i’m done writing code documentation but considering i deadass thought she was spewing Tan as her partner with like a 2% chance of flipping wolf otherwise, i don’t know how useful the spew will be

the top wagons rn are Whysper and Uni and honestly i am fine with seeing either of them flip

i think wolves told her to like

act as the 3p partner there today tbh

probably because she hard shielded Tan i guess that was the optimal move

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frost looks unpartnered

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do we know if Hippo does the rule of 3 thing or if he just randomly picks people to list as poe

this was really useful blizer actually lmao tyty

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i have no idea but the mason thing is the main reason i don’t think he’s partnered

Np arctic

oh yeah Hippo did the mason thing to Emilia early on D1 didnt he
i wrote something about it and Intensify nitpicked on it

This is very Kek tbh
