FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Me. I love strawberries.

Why put me in the shot list in general?

i haven’t seen maxi apart from sod1 and eod but i don’t remember anything from them what’s the case

wonky EoD

association to astand

I don’t think I ever sus’d joker. Reason I wanted them up was, because I can reasonably see this just being the way they play.

Because I want to prove that I’m not Tan’s partner and I’m convinced that TL is Tan’s partner.

So because I didn’t vote the way you wanted me to because I didn’t know much of anything going on, right?

astand was super partnery but backed off when we called him on his read being utterly abysmal and Maxi was super resistant to flipping lol until it looked near-certain tan would go over

he then refused to shoot the wagon he ended D1 on

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you shot there today with no progression in between

wanted them down*

Your goal should be to prove you’re town, not just to prove you aren’t Tan’s partner. Dropping your SR on Tan’s CW who has now flipped wolf actually looks super scummy.

I shot there today?

/ITA Maximusprime


self-pres mentality not towny

Leafia literally did this too

yeah that’s part of the problem in my eyes

you literally could have tied it up yesterday but didn’t and despite still not having read my case today you were just fine shooting there and being like “look I’m town” when lol flipped red

Leafia is remaining on the list :slight_smile:

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I don’t belong in the shot list Orange because I’m not wolfy, especially after Lol’s flip. Tell him Arctic. Only wolfy people belong in the shotlist.

