FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Good idea. Hero shooting is dumb and can very potentially screw the town over.

I wouldn’t even call Aelin that deep if she’s wolf, you’re just pocketed

Deep would be like orange or katze

stop replying to me lol

then whyd u shoot her over me and orange lol

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Because I’m a coward and I already shot you once

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I’m a neighborizer and when I recruited aelin she thought she was converted to mafia. Literally no one in the game should be killing her before me, idc, you’re just completely wrong if you think otherwise

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clamvig activating in 5

I don’t mind death

I’m willing to trust you on that honestly.

esooa is obviously a villager anyways

marluxion is a mood

i need more death

also yeah thats pretty fuckin villagery LMAO

I’m pretty sure this can easily be a curb stomp if we don’t hero shoot and follow the list

Maxi is like
Not that wolfy

what are you talking about

their EoD1 was shit

No mashes ever have been won by adhereing to a shot list

Games are won on the back of pepega villagers hero shooting

aelin joins chat

she asks me “what’s your plan, just power wolfing”

I say what

she says I’m just converting get cause she scum read me or what

she’s not mafia

it was a bad shot

Agreed. The wolves won’t have a chance.

i know for a fact this is incorrect

danganronpa mash is the first that comes to mind but im like

99% sure theres several other examples

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I think I’m going to lose brain cells if I actually interact with you

I’ll just send you some fortnite dollars tonight and hope you shut up

Switch that around and you’d be right.