FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


At least with mafia cult leader.

Come on, “Trustworthy” is in their nickname, why won’t you trust them?

comment ur reads on apelsin down below

This time for real.

that was an eevee sk

villagery enough to last one more day

underwhelming personally

would need to actually read the slot though



Who has shots left?

eevee’s neutral killers could make anyone hate the very concept of neutral killers, provided they don’t already

because it’s not true at all

have you seen the goo collector

Mistyx has a shot left.
I think WWA and Solic haven’t shot yet?
Idk about Italy and Jane.

i shot uni

i have none

Aelin has no reason to hold herself to whatever she said in thread when I had an overnight chat with her and she can just tell me her target there

I don’t know what she said though but yeah

I have.

The best thing I can say about Appel is that she hasn’t seemed to have any agenda throughout this game.

Okay, but entering the night, she notices you are not there.

Why would she change her target then? To screw town over?

because 99% of the time I can just read the chat when I get there? Cause it’s permanent?

But… wouldn’t she have noticed that you weren’t there? Isn’t it easy to notice someone isn’t in a chat?