FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

he said he activated marshal d1
then checked her n1 and got a negative
he activiated ici d2 and checked solic n2

he then said he got a positive on marshal n1

i’m trying to save you here
emilia is a broken record that cannot be reasoned with

why would conroy france say he got a positive on marshal who flipped that night

this game is fucking dumb holy shit

i’m flip flopping between “that’s probably just outting” and “surely a wolf wouldn’t fuck up on a flipped player”

marshal flipped and had an omega ability

i honestly don’t know but i think it’s more likely to come from a wolf who didn’t actually check marshal and receive any feedback than a townie who did

the point still stands

although that makes it even more questionable

but whyyyyyyyy

this game is giving me an aneurysm

the number of fucks wolves had left to give likely dropped at a rapid speed after the boats
basically: no matter what it is, no matter when it happens, it all comes back to boats


but i think the claim is very likely real regardless of his alignment

so im even more confused

tinfoil if we believe conboi is wolf

i think he could be LW here, based on the interaction with nut and amelia d1 surrounding intensify

it makes sense i feel like with how that interaction went down

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Unless pushing wolf is 100% clear then that is not a counter argument to what I’ve said.

conroy of the france claiming an investigative when he isnt one and then fucking up his claim is so dumb i want him to flip wolf just because that would be hilarious

conboi was a LW during countries for a bit of it

in hood we said he could be lone wolf omega ability activator tbh

im going to dayvig you

Storytime Event: Voting

The following stories were submitted for the stories event.

Submission 1

Once, in the beginning, the land was peaceful. We lived in harmony here as a village, united as a single nation. But then, the wolves attacked. They were an unrelenting army, massacring all in their way, to pave the way for a future where they ruled above all. This war between Wolves and Villagers lasted for decades, then centuries. Eventually though, our land, our planet, was stripped of resources over time, to keep up with each sides growing and expansive arsenal of weapons and technology. What was left was a barren planet, dying from the mass factories producing weapons of war, and the destruction of the planet.

As a plan to save its people, the Village created and made ship, a vessel we now live on, called The Ark, in hopes of finding a new planet, where we could colonize and rebuild. As it was being built, the Village conducted interviews for finding those willing to become colonizers. What they didnt know was, that the wolves found out about the Ark, and in an attempt to take hold and control of the vessel, they send spies disgusied as people from the village to gain entry. What either side didnt know, was their was a small sect of the old ways of adiart who found out aswell, and send two people in, to “Cleanse” those who were against their faith.

As the colonizers were loaded onto the ship, and as it was set for launch, the villagers found out, too late, that their spies on the ship. As the Ark left the planet, the Villagers sent this information the AI on board, an amalgamation of differing people and personalities that were once leaders of the Village throughout their history. The AI then informed the people on board, that their were Wolfs Among Them on the ship. But before it could out who were the wolves, The AI was sabotaged and the information deleted.

Now knowing that there were Imposters on the ship, the 47 volunteers became paranoid, and started to suspect others for being wolves. As factions formed and the bickering became more strained, it was agreed upon, based on a democratic system, to vote out those who were most consensus in being a wolf. After the first day, two people were heavily scrutinized, Tangeld and lol, based upon their behaviour around certain people and how they acted. While it was close, Tangeld was ejected from the ship, and was revealed to be one of the Imperial Cultists of Adiart, alerting both Villagers and Wolves aboard, that another faction was amuck in the ship.

The next day, 3 villagers were murdered during the night, and the AI unshackled weapon usage for all to use. As shots were fired, 4 fell, lol, the most suspected person to be a wolf at the time, Intensify, who became a tree stump using druid magic, Maximusprime, who was a villager and Lukundo who was also a wolf. Afterwards, The AI was unshackled, and under the codename “Boats”, where they asked volunteers to attempt a social experiment, where they were split into groups and had to trust the other group not to detonate their room. Both sides blew each other up, revealing 3 wolves, Hippo, who joined for shits and giggles, Leafia, and Amelia both suspect of being wolves, while the other 3, Icibalus, Joker and Kyodaz were villagers. After wards, Whysper hacked the system where only them and another individual, Marl could only be voted out. Whysper was then ejected and revealed to be a member of the village.

Today, this morning, it was revealed that Eli and Aelin were murdered last night, revealing they were a wolf and a village member respectfully. With more accusations, more people were killed by the unshackled weapons from the AI. Nutella, was shot and was found to be a wolf, who was in control of a rogue program AI, that was shooting at a known village member, while universal was shot and revealed to be a member of the town, but was suspected of being a wolf, due to their behaviour surronding the fallen nutella.

Now, we still discuss, as we try to, who are the wolves among us so that we may find a new home, and prosper once again.

Submission 2

my story

The Adventures of Noobtown Katze

Dear diary, My name is Katze “Katze” Joycatsen, I am the illegitimate daughter of Lady Icibalus and I have never seen the sun. I’ve been locked up in a tower my entire life but thar doesn’t bother me much, since it does make an interesting icebreaker at parties. At least I think it would, I’ve never been to a party. Anyways enough about me. Today is the day where I meet the man of my dreams. A young serving boy named Orangeandblack5.


Now I’ve never met this guy before but I know he’s the man of my dreams because it’s not like there’s much competition considering I’ve never seen a man before in my life. He requested a meeting with Lady Icibalus after I killed his horse by shouting something very unfunny at it. Apparently my Mother forgot why I was imprisoned in this tower and sent him to free me. She decided to put home into indentured servitude to him which is a lot of words which I don’t know the meaning of. I decided to put on something nice so I put on my cat ears, maid costume, and finally my pickle Rick thigh highs. Before I could put on my combat boots covered in cat hair I saw Orange entering my room. I realized I was an idiot and I could’ve just left at any time. Such is the life of a catgirl maid.


Suddenly my heart fluttered, I felt the blood go from my cheeks to my other cheeks :flushed: (they switched sides get your mind out of the gutter) and my thigh highs transformed my legs into pickles. Suddenly I became an abomination even worse than Pickle Rick, I became Pickle Katze. I rushed towards Orange with amourousness and as soon as I found him I tackled him to the ground and devoured his Wendy’s. “Wtf that was my lunch” he said to me. And I said “ur 2 slo :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: sonic colours is underrated and is good actually I swear.” It turns out that not being fed for 67 years truly changes a woman


Gradually as me and orange started at each other awkwardly for a few hours I transformed back. Orange said to me “There are reports of wolves (see this is relevant to the game get owned mods) in the forests. They keep eating kids. We should stop them.” I say “But I eat kids too? Are you going to kill me too?” Orange retorts with “Isnt that a plot hole? I thought you just said you haven’t eaten” I retort (it’s a good word shut up) with a worry quick snappy sharp dagger like putdown. “I reproduce via photosynthesis idiot.” Orange decides to not kill any more brain cells and we leave. I decide not to shut the door after me as a message to all those other lame princesses stuck in their classes. As I walk out of the tower each clack of my 1366$ Pickle Rick heels* seems to gradually weaken the tower, maybe both spiritually and physically?




As me and Orange make our way to the forest, we are confused when we see a sign in a strange foreign tongue neither of us have heard of. Gradually as we strain our eyes at the sign scaring nearby passersby we realize that it’s written in Texan. It says “Carpenter Gorta off reading thread while getting lunch. Haha get it funny tree man joke please laugh this is all I have left.” I say “tree jokes weren’t even funny in 2020 let’s be honest.” Orange nods his head sagely. We finally make our entrance into the spooky forest.


Me and Orange make our way through the forbidden bramble of the very forbidden Forbidden Forest. We feel the nerves in our spines lock up (oww) and a chill goes down the napes of our necks. Suddenly we see a huge creature, as we prepare to fight it we realize we’re surrounded. These are not mere wolves but lycanthropes. We accept we are outmatched and pray to Chloe for safety. Suddenly the lycanthropes are all crushed by an increasingly wacky and bodaciously exponential amount of boats. “Wow” Orange says, “Isnt it amazing being so skilled at forum mafia we killed all of these wolves ourselves purely based on our own skill.” I obviously say “Yes I agree Orange. It truly is amazing when you win a game of forum mafia based on your own skill. It isn’t lame and anti climactic to lose because your enemies made some excellent tactical decisions. It doesn’t make you feel like a big dumby poopoohead either because you don’t deserve this victory. You truly are so wise Orange.” Suddenly Vulgard pops up out of the bushes, I ask “Are you a wolf vulgard?” And Vulgard replies “No” I retort “fair enough ig” and he scuttles away. “God I’m so good at town hunting” I think to myself. Then Orange :flushed:holds my hand :flushed: . It would’ve been very romantic if I wasn’t gay, so I body slammed him into the ground killing him instantly cause I’m actually an SK get rekt idiot

  • la fin
Submission 3

Once upon a time, there was a game, popular on Forums and thusly named “Forum Mafoa”.

Well, it wasn’t just one game, it was actually an entire genre of games, focused on social deduction, on finding scum through text.


Crazy, right!? You’d think scum could just write the same fucking text!

Anyway… they, apparently, cannot. And so, Forum Mafoa came into existance!

Now, this story is about one particular game, hosted by and based on the thight-knitted online community “Forum of Lies”, The FoL “Family”… And how it caused the end of this once popular genre.

You see, the hosts - a group of five volunteers, experienced in designing these kind of games - wanted to make this event truly special… and so they decided to give it “flavor”. To weave a story based on everything that occured within it, to make it even more entertaining! And they had the perfect idea, too!

Imagine, you’re trapped in a simulation, no idea how you got there, and no way out… except finding scum through text! Holy shit! It sounds like the plot to a fucking blockbuster!

Now… one particular host, Chleb, wanted to make the experience feel even more real, to really draw the players into its story! They suggested - And I still, genuinely have no idea why the other hosts agreed to this - to recreate the simulation from the story.

And so, the game was delayed, they made up some reason, “Game balance” (Pffft, as if that’s a real thing), to keep it a surprise for the players.

It started out well:

People were joking around, getting used to the simulation and even forming some early reads. One user, “nutella” even made a 1610 refence, in the 1610th post in the game! (Check char count up until that sentence :flushed:) Anyway, the hosts found this so funny, they decided to edit the simulation a little bit, just to give this player a special reward!

However, they soon realised that something was very wrong. They couldn’t edit the code, no matter how much they tried… and worse was yet to come. This wasn’t their code… this wasn’t how they’d designed the simulation. This had to be someone else’s simulation. They started looking through the code, and noticed that whoever made it, had added several features they’d never intended for the simulation to have… “Events”, “Replacements”…


If you die in the simulation… you die in real life .

Before they could even warn anybody, someone blasted another user, “Firekitten” with an RPG. A Fucking RPG!! How the F*CK did they even get an RPG?!?

Then came the announcement…

“Firekitten” has died! They were Town “Tunneler”… Their funeral will be held after the game is over.

Days 1 ends in a little over 8 hours!

Now, the town still didn’t believe people were actually dying. Whether that’s because they can’t read or because it just doesn’t sound very plausible, I don’t know. Either way, it doesn’t really matter.

With the day coming to a close, they were fervently arguing about who to kill, and people were starting to form two main camps. One of them wanted to kill Tan, the other… well, didn’t. They probably had reasons but I wasn’t paying attention, so there’s technically a possibility they didn’t.

Anyway, they end up lynching Tan… and, guess what? They were f*cking British! Apparently that’s an alignment now!

The night started, and everyone… just… stopped caring about the game? Like, they were just doing completely unrelated things for 12 hours and I’m still not really sure why…

Well, the hosts weren’t, at least. They’d figured out whoever made this simulation had to be one of them. I… really didn’t expect to be found out that soon, but at least it was funny.

Geyde: i have a red on geyde

Chleb: Okay, but how are we going to find them? They’re clearly very intelligent, since they made this entire simulation on their own. They aren’t just going to 1610.

Arete: Wow, I definitely believe this not blatantly fake redcheck, we should vote Geyde.

Arete: Chleb…?

Chleb: What?

Arete: Your syntactical patterns have been very different from usual since this simulation started…

Geyde: im gey

DatBird: arete is a nerd they mean you havent made any typos

osieorb18: The writer of this story doesn’t know me so I’m not saying anything relevant.

Chleb: Okay, you got me. I’m not actually Chleb I just hacked their account.

osieorb18: wait so how hasn’t Chleb noticed this? surely making this new simulation took you more than a few days…

Chleb: Idk I called them bad at mafnya and they just f*cking died. That hasn’t happened to any other person I’ve insulted.

Arete: Wait hasn’t this happened before? I swear I remember something like this happening.

Chleb: Possibly. Idk I’m just going to post cat pictures now.

DatBird: wait how is that related to anything?

Chleb: It’s not but Chleb’s cats are cute.

Geyde: threadstate suggests Chleb isn’t the imposter. /vote geyde

Anyway, the players did whatever they were doing, and the night came to an end. Several people died, two people apparently decided, independently, to make a puppet overnight, and there were still no dead scum.

Then, - and this is where it really starts to go out of hand - someone suggested to just attack the people they suspected the most. To just kill them in the middle of day, without any consensus or voting system. Like several mini EoDs, except the day doesn’t actually end and the deaths are determined purely by rng among the people they’ve attacked.

Somehow… people actually agreed this was a good idea, and just pulled out whatever weapon they had in their possession; shotguns, sniper rifles, that one guy with an RPG, katana’s, miniguns, you name it! Someone even pulled out a f*cking water pistol! Like, how is that going to help!?

This… honestly went better than I was expecting. Somehow, they managed to kill 2 mafnya and only 3 town. Anyway, the rest of that day was pretty stale, but, near the end, a boat with a glowing neon sign that read “YOU WILL DIE IF YOU ENTER THIS BOAT!!” appeared out of nowhere. I… have no idea why the hosts put that in the simulation, and I honestly don’t really care.

3 Town, who were suspected by quite a number of people, decided to just enter. To die on their own terms, rather than being killed by an angry mob of toxic forumers. And, for whatever reason, 3 Mafnya also decided to rush in, together. They all died! I… honestly considered just ending the simulation right then and there, and the hosts seemed to have had a similar idea.

They realised… there was one last resort. One last way to stop me, that I honestly didn’t think they would ever use. A radical rule that gave the moderators the permission to end a game instantly, and declare it a no-contest. They had decided to can the game, but they also couldn’t let this happen EVER again… so they decided, I kid you not , to can the entire concept of FM.

But they still had no way to change the simulation…

So, they decided to call tech support, explain the entire situation and ask for advice.

“Idfk have you tried ctrl+z?”

And, somehow… that actually worked. This… really was not how I was expecting this entire thing to end, but oh well… Nobody else remembers it anyway.

The End!

~ The creator of the simulation, and imposter of Chleb (Not related to who actually wrote this, basically still a part of the story.)

Alright I thought I should mention that yes this entire simulation was super evil and malevolent because that was a RT.

Submission 4

There was once a katze. She was exposed to 46 other idiots in a game called ‘Community Forum Mafia 3’, and then the pokemon nation attacked and now we’re a big happy gay family with a lot of wolves among us. For some reason we all have guns, but none of us can aim for shit. Luckily, the group suicide yesterday had some traitorous attendees, and that was pretty based. Based on what, you say? This–

Submission 5
~Forum of Lies Annual Mash, a Tale of Glory~

This game has 47 players and 15k posts already and you expected a fucking novel for an event?
The genre is clickbait.

Please vote for your favorite in your rolecard. Anyone may vote, but players who submitted a story are required to vote or they may be disqualified. You may not self-vote. You may not discuss this event until it has fully concluded.

You don’t have a dayvig lol

im not even joking

you literally just repeated the same exact fucking thing youve said like 50 times
