FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

that’s actually a lot of people holy shit

didn’t kat say the vest he claimed to have gotten wasn’t real

He accused pkr of being mafia for claiming a town role clearly too strong compared to others and then was like ‘oh what if you check flavour’

One more might hit


but marshal claimed to have gotten a vest and never said it was fake before dying

on n1

…maybe that was fake too :joy_cat:

that’s not the same thing as doubting pkr is a cop

it probably was lets be real

i mean
the butter lived
for a short amount of time

theoretically all 11 could

yay rng as a game mechanic

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That just sounds like omgus instead of doubting that PKR is a cop
he accused PKR of being a mafia cop lol

I used my shots on centuries

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/vote Vulgard

back to this i guess

PKR interaction was weird

Theoretically yes, statistically no
Probabilistically also no

vulgard omgusing pkr?
the irony


vetoing this

I veto your veto

appel wagon kinda pure :flushed:

Look into orange kat after I flip. There might be deepwolf there imo.

i veto your vetoing of the veto