FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

our hood is able to activate omega abilities

I saw some posts that looked the exact opposite

wait do you like vote on it

a night chat

I thought neighborhood were always open or something idk why

We have to agree on it

can be

can not be


Btw anyone want me to clarify any reads otherwise am just gonna shot and leave since nothing else to do.

Not like you trust my reads anyway

does that persist if the the CL dies


in that case

he might be a wolf :joy_cat:


the wolves can’t do anything about it because it exists as long as the hood exists lol

yeah its a demoncracy thing

Majora’s Mask. Whatever.

yes it does


what happens if the CL gets N1’d

can i shoot centuries now

or D1’d even

Fire got dayvigged D1


because I’d much rather shoot centuries