FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

You insult me guy fieri

Day 3 Asynchronous Event: Storytime

Player Limit: Unlimited
Risk of Death: None

To participate, submit a story based on the events of the game so far. The story may be any length and genre, but must be written in English and compliant with all forum rules. (This means that it may not discuss anything that would be illegal to speculate on in an FM game, such as replacements and modkills.) The deadline to submit a story is 12 hours before the end of the day, at 2021-06-22T17:00:00Z. You may not discuss this event until it has fully concluded.

lmao claimvig dead

marl deffo good


time to fullclaim

my flavor is “gay” and my abilities are “im gay”

1 Like

Okay so

dont put jane on the shotlist

there is a delayed vig on her

put TL on the shot list

i was absolutely expecting to die whoops

fuck ok

I hardclaim marl’s kill went to aelin


so we’re killing TL right

also yeah

TL on the shot list

god this game is such a meme

My reads are officially ass. I came into the day expecting to hardpush Marl and here he is claiming the kill on mafia KP.


Welp I was RBed sucks to suck I suppose.

Suggest voting me over itaing me btw as your ITAs are ineffective


Are you claiming eli kill?


Shit sorry i shouldve read thread a bit better ._.

