FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

lmao claimvig dead

marl deffo good


time to fullclaim

my flavor is “gay” and my abilities are “im gay”

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Okay so

dont put jane on the shotlist

there is a delayed vig on her

put TL on the shot list

i was absolutely expecting to die whoops

fuck ok

I hardclaim marl’s kill went to aelin


so we’re killing TL right

also yeah

TL on the shot list

god this game is such a meme

My reads are officially ass. I came into the day expecting to hardpush Marl and here he is claiming the kill on mafia KP.


Welp I was RBed sucks to suck I suppose.

Suggest voting me over itaing me btw as your ITAs are ineffective


Are you claiming eli kill?


Shit sorry i shouldve read thread a bit better ._.



Am ITA immune

Aw man :frowning: Despite me doing the photo event I got nothing.
I spent this morning focusing on that haha.

Also claim vigi down makes me feel real good