FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


I’m a genius

I interpreted the deflation as towny

That sentence sounds weird

i know but ive seen variations that dont do that

if i ever ran that role i probably would have it not do that

that’s a good thing actually

because aelin died

so she’s sad

I have to ask for reminder, who is she?

mutually assured destruction is a doctrine for mutual survival through the knowledge that if you nuke one side, they’ll nuke back
this also accounts for nuking a field which contains both sides

And I have a kill that’s it…
On and I can pirate people

uh some slot

esooa and Cloneds actions conflict although one of them probably got roleblocked?

no, it only removes from non-factional chats

Question is, does it look performative or does it look angry
And if it looks angry,is she angry because her townread died or because her pocket target died

considering the PT-rado that my flavor handed out specifically shot people who were in chats (which means wolves!) with no added technicalities…

so basically it’s fucking useless
and i hate my flavour too


then ye i think esooa can easily be a wolf here

What majoras mask moon


That doesnt sound fake.


it’s an “I liked playing with this person and they died so my WiM is in the toilet” mood

pretty sure most roles can be translated into a ToL counterpart
they’re rather wide

Guess I should be glad I hate everyone and never get into that mood