FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

Vulgard said 6 which was a weird number

OP says no conversions

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okay lets walk through the entire thread from here (793) to nutella flip (1764)

give me a little bit


I think I panicked when I saw it shoot at Luxy so didn’t really think it through much

Ah sad, that would have been dope.

uni is a real confusing slot tbh
any objections to shooting them?


im saying my point wrongly

in a majority of worlds, TL signs his fate the second he claims 3p. whatever he says next doesn’t matter regarding his fate

i’m objecting to not shooting them

Let’s consider that TL needs to kill exactly 2 to win


good enough to me

I’m inclined to believe this

Go ahead, make your day Italy.

don’t worry uni
i’ve got this cool way to resolve your alignment once and for all to put an end to this chaos

Oh yeah OK lol

/ITA Universal @FoLAnnualMash

U shooting after predicting this shot would miss

no he predicted it would hit

i predicted this shot would hit
it’s bullet 8

Oddly enough I thought Uni’s completely irrational “lay down and die” attitude that didn’t make sense was more villagey than not, but I’m not going to stop people from shooting there, especially after nutella flipped scum