FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


his role actually gave him a n0 lol

the thing is Jane got shot

and I can’t really think of who else to shoot

like idk solic or appel?

i believe it was a joke
as flips are unfakeable and firekitten clearly has done so




I know, I’m talking about the option where he claimed a different n0 than his actual n0 in an effort to fizzle the claimvig.

oh yeah I forgot cents exists

yeah kill him too

Btw, I did lie about the thing on Vul.
But I think by now we’ve gotten enough information from it and enough reactions to get some good out of it.

This was planned by Luxy.
And with me assisting them.

In the neighbourhood chat

fuck off


@Luxy @Lemonfairy feel free to pop in here when you’re around.
RT is done

actually I’ll just blast cents today

let’s just kill the slots we ignored yesterday

mash play 101

Oh goddamnit pkr


Honestly, even with you rescinding that, I still kinda want to die.

rich coming from you

oh wittle gghana upset >:(

hooray for conversation killing ““reactiontests””

I’m just gonna go.
People are mad at me it seems

Was the cop claim real or was the whole thing fake?

Inb4 people accuse me of rolefishing for writing this.

no i stand by what i said