Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

We do this is FoL 15


Yeah I mean anyone who doesn’t actually know that we have a king in this game is just bad.

Right meme?

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Smh always stupid town

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Voted Voters Number of Votes
Livicus Marluxion, MtheJoker 2
Parfait htm, Firekitten 2
MtheJoker Memesky 1
htm Vulgard 1
Firekitten Icibalus 1

/vote MTheJoker

If Livicus is revealed to be scum, I’m blacklisting pug from my games.


Well I can prove I’m not scum more and more as the game goes on

I really want to vote par tho.

Why? :thinking:


Either Jokster or Parfait is scum imo, so I have no problem with getting either of them

I just feel like Parfait is slightly scummier tho

That’s probably only because we don’t have a lot of posts from Par

This is my 10th post.

8 are shitposting
1 is a join message

Please, tell me more.
What awfully scumriddled posts have I made?

That’s pretty condescending parfy :thinking:
Trying to blend in by doing nothing but joking is scummy.

Yeahh, I guess it was

Sorry HTM

I’m just going to say that I’ll contribute properly soon, probably when I get a chance to read the thread

What did I do? I posted my reads, proved I wasn’t buddying anyone, followed half of town when they said Sam was fine to hammer. So what did I do wrong?

Parfait is villagery, while those memes could be seen as forced, I actually thought that they weren’t.
Also btw that latest post from Mthejoker acttually clears him despite making me want to puke.

Full PbPA on Firekitten coming ThisAfternoon™

Eat joker pls he moffo w/ ici

Could you post some actual serious reads?