Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

My bad I won’t do that again

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Why you suspect the doctor tho :thinking:

Im gonna dew it im gonna dew it

tbh it feels to me like Vulgard’s suffering from an inability to accept that FK is actually town

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/unvote btw


/voot livi



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thanks for scumclaim btw Memesky
will vote you tomorow for freelo

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I voot what i want

if I hadn’t unvoted you would’ve quickhammered lol

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I liked ur unvote before i voted :man_shrugging:

Meme: gamethrows or just does stupid things

Also Meme: why am I blacklisted and a meme

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Not throwing to vote


Memesky, unvote this second. We do NOT want scum from the other scumteam to quickhammer this.

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But doesnt that confirm them as scum? So its kinda worth

yea but there’s a 5% chacne we’re voting town and that is NOT worth it
Now unvote.

Lmao that’s still stupid and you literally just tried to quickhammer
