Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yes, obviously you CAN rolefish Day 1.
You shouldn’t, however

Oh really, someone shouldn’t rolefish on people being serious Day One? Treat today like its Day Two. A night has already occured, just one without kills, like a conversion night. (To be honest, that could’ve happened.)

I agree it could very well be a conversion night

You don’t rolefish at all before a significant number of deaths has happened.

So a Noble shouldn’t try to get roles?

A noble should just be a passive little double voter?

We are not talking about that.
We are talking about a FM with a warning from the mod… that rolefishing is not a good idea.

Also your arguement is really bad btw. In this game, flavor names have little to do with what their abilities are. Let us all stare at our own rolecards.


Hey Luxy, how was your kid :wink:

When was the warning posted?

Hail Ici


Thats not a warning, thats just a statement. :thinking:

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Mod Note:

If anybody is wondering; if your marriage partner dies you will not commit suicide unless otherwise stated.


Sounds like you’ll forget and post that when your partner dies.

I don’t know, haven’t got a message.

The ‘measure’ is probably the NAI flavor

Well, it is a statement. And indirectly, a warning not to.

Should you not test a smoke alarm before your house burns down?