Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

This shouldn’t need to be said - but apparently it does. Copying and pasting your entire rolecard will result in an immediate modkill for game integrity. This applies to marriage chats as well.


In addition - players do not leave behind a journal or logbook when they die. Just so all players are aware.


In the name of the silent dragon, I sentence you to death.

Pug has been modkilled.

He was…

Pug's Flip


“I make no excuses for what my people have done to yours, Kilma. No matter how this ends, all I ask is that you listen to what I have to say.”

You are Corrin. Born in Hoshido and kidnapped to be raised in Nohr, You’ve taken the decision to end the war between the two countries that you have called home once and for all, and defeat the traitors that exist in both kingdoms. With the blood of the first dragons coursing through your blood, you will use the Yato to bring true peace! You are the Peacebringer

You will go through multiple phases throughout this game.

Eyes of the Silent Dragon - During your first phase, each night you may check a player, learning if they are Mafia or not. This phase ends as soon as you find a member of the Mafia. (note: framing WILL end this phase early)

Sword of the Silent Dragon - During your second phase, you will have a 1-use shot of the Yato, a silent 100% accurate daykill usable at any time. You may NOT target the person you have checked as Mafia with this shot. As soon as you’ve used it, you will go into your final phase.

True Yato - During your final phase, you will survive the first ITA shot on you that hits and in additon your ITA accuracy will increase by 10% permanently every night.

However, all of this comes at a price; if you are not in your True Yato form by Day 4 you will immediately die.

You will appear to be Hoshidian.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Do not discuss the reasons behind the modkill until postgame.


Chapter 3:


In Hoshido and Nohr, both sides prepare for the epic battle that should take place. The armies of both nations are suiting up, readying themselves for the long and brutal conflict ahead.

Xander: Alright… Everyone! I, Prince Xander of Nohr, shall PERSONALLY lead the charge against the Hoshidan menace! We have been silent for too long!



In hoshido, meanwhile…

Ryoma: Nohr has invaded and pillaged for too long! We have tried to make peace, but to no avail… and now they have taken from us our sweet Queen Mikoto! We were seperated from our own dear Corrin, who has now gone missing somewhere near the Bottomless Canyon! So, will we stay here? Or will we fight for our honour



Meanwhile… some people were murdered last night, high-ranking commanders… Morale can’t stay high for so long. Was it the strange conspiracy corrin talked about before he went missing?

Murders in the night!

Unknown died. They were:

Unknown's flip.



"Ah! That guy looks nice. I’ll ask him/her for directions back up the mountain. I may have a horrible sense of direction, but I’m a great judge of character!”

You are Keaton, a Nohrian Wolfskin and also kinda an idiot. You lost your way from your village in the mountains and got mixed up in the war between Nohr and Hoshido. Stilll, best to do what you can, and fight with your friendly human friends in Nohr! You are the Odd Warrior.

Your ITA accuracy is 10% higher on Odd-Numbered days.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Wolfy died. They were:

Wolfy's flip.




You are Arthur, a retainer to Priness Elise and also a hero of J U S T I C E! Your axe strikes true, even if you are very unlucky, because after all, you are the Misfortunate Mysterious Paragon of J U S T I C E!

Each night you may target a player. This has a 10% chance of deathmarking them (if a player has 2 deathmarks place on them in one night they die), a 80% chance of occupying them and a 10% chance of doing absoloutely nothing. Have fun with that.

You win when all threats to JUSTICE the town have been eliminated.

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Day 2: Past Light begins, and will end in 48 hours.

Whoever has the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched.

ITA windows will be announced shortly.

I cannot tell you how much salt I feel right now from that modkill Internal Screaming Intensifies


FireKitten, I lost my husband from the Lord that brings no mercy to my family

Good evening i shall be more active today

Well, to start off here’s my read list that I compiled overnight.

  1. HTM (Slight Townlean) - Sheeps a little, but overall seems very town-aligned to me via his motivations. I’m kind of odd towards his interaction with Unknown early on, but considering that his motivations, as in baiting is believable I can believe that this is consistent of his playstyle.
  2. Firekitten (Townlean) - My read on him has been a complete rollercoaster. At the start he did seem to be Town!FK as it seemed he was scumhunting with genuinely good intentions and whatnot while also helping me apply pressure to other players and whatnot. However during the middle of the match his focus on outing Corrin and shepherding new players just struck me for the wrong reasons and intentions here here, especially after the random wagon on Ashe where he essentially sheeped Blizer and two other players on an inactive at the EoD. Since Ashe flipped scum, I’d put this read as a solid Town from the backread as I don’t think scum would bus this early.
  3. Livicus (Slight Scumlean/Village Idiot) - In short, his entire posts from the start by asking for protective classes to visit him and then low-key asking for mass-claims just strike me as odd, and the odder thing here is Shurian just blindly defending him. During late d1 his posting started getting better, so I’m somewhat split on his own explanation that he’s just a tool d1 is correct or if he’s a real scum player attempting to correct their slips. Vulgard’s habit of defending him strikes me odd and I’d say if one flips scum, then there’s no doubt the other will as well.
  4. MtheJoker (Null) - Inactive and often more of a burden than a boon for town. I’d probably put him as the first player to be policy ITA’d due to his history.
  5. Margaret (Margaret/Memesky) - Personal policy here is not to read Celeste until the second day due to excessive d1 shitposting.
  6. Hippolytus (Null) - Inactive as he’s traveling or some sort here.
  7. Tw1light (Townlean) - Basically had the same reaction that I had when they noticed the clusterfuck that was the original wagon on Ashe. Albeit with Ashe flipping scum Tw1light can go either way as this could be another town player who also disapproved of their wagon or scum attempting to CFD the town off Ashe. This is a 50-50 for me as Tw1’s motivation can go either way, barring being a Neutral, however I’m leaning on him being town.
  8. Sam17z (Scumlean) - Going on a gut read due to his last post “Then I will make constructive feedback. My opinions value isn’t a as strong since I don’t know all the facts.” Basically this just reads as scum excusing their lack of reading on lack of information. A good player to be policy ITA’d.
  9. Pug (Slight Townlean) - Nothing out of ordinary here except that it looks like he genuinely tries to help town. Gut read on town here.
  10. MaximusPrime (Heavy Scumlean) - Inactivity, which is typically a hit or miss from him alongside is present here. However the fact that he repeatedly refused to pressure Ashe strikes me as odd. To add here, the fact that Ashe wanted Maximus in particular as a husband is odd. My theory here is that within MaximusPrime/Unknown there is a scum player due to Ashe wanting to specifically bond with a certain faction as being Mafia, she’d know her scumbuddies.
  11. PoisonedSquid (Slight Townlean) - Kind of typical for Squid to fluff most of d1. I kind of think she’s town, but I would really like to pressure her as she has yet to show any real town-sided motivation.
  12. Vulgard (Scumlean) - Will put my justifications later for practical reasons.
  13. Simon (Null) - Inactive as always. I’d probably put him as a player to be policy ITA’d due to his history.
  14. orangeandblack5 (Heavy Townlean) - To be honest, after the end of d1, I really read him as town due to the rightful suspicions on Ashe and Vulgard, albeit I’d rather focus more on his genuine reads than gut feelings due to him putting Ashe and FK on the same scumteam despite the fact that that’s technically an impossibility from the backread.
  15. Insanity (Null) - Again, inactive. Good player to policy ITA.
  16. Shurian (Slight Scumlean) - Basically, hopped onto to Livicus’ defense without really thinking about it. I still believe that the scumteam is partly composed of Shurian OR Vulgard and Livicus.
  17. Wolfy (Townlean) - Seems to come as a naturally good town leader. I’d put it townlean based on a gut feeling but I really want to further hear his motivations.
  18. Boss (Null) - Inactivity and the lack of analysis makes me feel this is scum. Boss typically brings good analysis when he’s town, so his playstyle just seems odd to me.
  19. Eevee (Null) - Spent much of the game active in the earlier phases. Can’t have a good read here.
  20. Blizer (Slight Scumlean) - Excessive sheeping here and zero to no analysis. I don’t see Blizer as a serial sheep this often but here it’s just so noticeable it’s not even funny.
  21. Memesky (Margaret/Memesky) - Personal policy here is not to read Memesky. Period.
  22. Captain (Heavy Scumlean) - Comparing this with his average play as town, Captain is way too damn scummy to the point that I’ll eat my sock if he’s not scum as it looks like he’s not even playing the game due to zero original thoughts and whatnot. Additionally, he’s far more inactive than average. Something here is not right.
  23. Sarun (Me)
  24. Cassar (Null) - Inactive, you know the drill. Policy ITA and whatnot.
  25. ConfusedtoLook (Null) - Serial sheeper with zero analysis here. Frankly I’d file this under a policy ITA.
  26. Gamerpoke (Null) - As above, serial sheeper. IMO we need to policy ITA them along with the lurkers as they are unreadable and provide no analysis at all. Additionally, they become too much of a burden if they sheep onto scum without thinking.
  27. Marcus_Doodalee (Slight Scumlean) - Lack of analysis, voting, and participation in general which is not like him at all. I’d put a null read here, but this isn’t like him at all.
  28. Psychoneirik (Slight Townlean) - As Pug and Squid, I have a gut feeling he may be town. Albeit his behavior feels too much like buddying in the early game.
  29. CheesyKnives (Null) - Posts have absolutely no content at all. I’d say he’s a good candidate to policy ITA.
  30. PKR (Slight Scumlean/Null) - May be partially due to the burden of proficiency, but it’s as if he’s refusing to perform any form of significant analysis. I’m somewhat conflicted on this read as both Vulgard, who I have a strong gut reading is scum, seem to be throwing shade on him and intentionally jump along Orange’s suspicion. However, since I’m not familiar with PKR’s playstyle, this may be a null read from me. At this point I’d say it’s maybe Vulgard OR PKR on the scum team.
  31. Solic (Heavy Townlean) - Seemed to have extremely town-oriented motivations in the marriage chat. Also CFD’d onto Ashe which allows me to backread him into a townlock.
  32. Luxy (Null) - Sheeping, moderate activity, and whatnot.
  33. Unknown (Neutral/Village Idiot) - His entire playstyle feels too be too much survivor-oriented to the point that I believe he may be a neutral, however his motivations does scream that he may be either town or scum. The backread on Ashe’s wagon is inconclusive as it felt as if Unknown was trying to prevent himself from being lynched by piling up on Ashe, so I sense an ambiguous purpose from him.

being more active today still learning this thing

As the prophecy says, the more useful a role is to town, the more likely the person who rolled it will die n1.

Excuse me they agreed with me at voting ashe at the end of the day.


/vote MaximusPrime

I wanted to do this yesterday but in the end we lynched scum either way, so that worked out fine.

Waiting for confirmation from Orange about PKR before I do anything regarding him.

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I wonder who would killed Unknown. :thinking:

This modkill was kinda sad.

Yeah, but it was a modkill, so he could have prevented his death!

If you received no results, you may have either slept peacefully or been occupied. We are using EFoL-style minimal feedback for this game.


Additionally, we had 2 nightkills. So I’d imagine mafia may have more than 1 KPN or there is a third-party NK in this game.