Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Do you mind putting your non-shortened readlist into a google doc and then sharing it?

I might have to do that tomorrow, I need to get some sleep

So since, I wont be awake during the second ITA phase, This is a list of people that NO one should shoot:

If anyone shoots any of these people, Revenge ITA them instantly, as most are locked town, and some that are incredibly big Town leans.

Countdown to 2nd ITA phase? Was it 18:00 BST or 9:00 BST?

Its pretty much an open secret who I’ll be shooting

Second ITA phase should be in 3 hours and 25 min.

Im going to bed. I swear on Maxi`s Salt mines, that I will be pissed if one these people are dead when i wake up.

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kk I can be on then

Hey Marcus, wanna share your scumreads?

htm 1
Firekitten 2
Livicus 3
Mthejoker 4
Magaret 5
Hippolytus 6
Tw1light 7
Sam17z 8
Pug flipped town
MaximusPrime 9
PoisonedSquid 10
Vulgard 11
Simon 12
Orangeandblack5 flipped town
Insanity 13
Shurian 14
Wolfy flipped town
Boss110 15
Eevee flipped town
Blizer 16
Ashe - Lynched Day 1 - Hinoka, Mafia ITA Master
Memesky 17
Captain 18
Sarun flipped scum
Cassar flipped scum
ConfustoLook 19
Gamerpoke 20
Marcus_Doodalee 21
Unknown flipped town
Psychonerik 22
CheesyKnives 23
PokemonKidRyan 24
Solic 25
Luxy 26
26 people left and 3 mafia dead out of a reasonable limit of 10, with or without conversion means we have 6 mafia and 19 town.

The above is an estimation of Town/Scum numbers assuming no neutrals.

Readlists aren’t my forte, although if you want my analysis of someone in particular I’d be happy to provide them.

Psychoneirik, I can’t read them because I don’t have any idea about how they play. What do you think?

He don’t post much but when he do it either full meme or helping town

Ici put me on votecount duty so here. Tell me if something’s wrong. (Also I have no idea how many people are alive because the graveyard hasn’t been updated lul)

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
Mthejoker Vulgard, GamerPoke, Memesky, ConfustoLook 4
Boss110 htm, Luxy, Firekitten, Livicus 4
Captain Marcus, Blizer 2

Advocating against a d1 lynch, already we see that Psy’s town motivation is shaky.


Isn’t it ironic because town made a correct CFD at the last minute onto scum yesterday?

Sheeped right onto Sarun, a confscum as of today.

Suddenly he seems thoughtful about children from a strategic POV, I wouldn’t be too surprised if this was scum marrying scum, but I don’t think their scumbuddies would be too happy.

Oooh I take that all back they’re both conftown

Overall, This is a scumlean for me, but I’m not obliged to ITA them, I’d much rather pressure this slot

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Remember its plurality lynch, so if you could highlight whoever has the most votes, that would be wonderful.

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Thanks for this. This makes me further think boss is scum for calling you scum when you’re very obvious town aligned.

Gtg to sleep now. ITA Boss or lynch him. I just can’t get a town read off him.

This is what I like about Eevee’s and Margaret’s (and maybe Meme’s) approach to FMs, they will make it hard as shit for anyone to read them, but town is often too scared of pressuring them because scum can make it look like a complete setup.

It’s something I’d like to try out, but it’ll probably just get me PLed

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What is you guy plan after I dead?

K where we dropping

We drop on the floor come 1v1