Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

@Marluxion do I get modkilled if I say I know how to scumread you?

Also do i get modkilled for asking dumb questions like this one.

We probably should decide on something soon or we will not have enough time to move around votes.

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And wasn’t there event today ?

Ashe - Scumlean - I would’ve said this is a null read due to the lack of proper content, but her response to being accused was absolutely terrible. I don’t think this is lock scum, and if I see a proper explanation, the read can change; but if I don’t, this will become lock scum.
Blizer - Scumlean - This is a tough cookie for me. I can see both town and scum motivation behind what he’s been doing this whole game, and I don’t feel strongly either way. But my gut is telling me this is scum - mostly because of how much IIoA there is to be found in his posts, as well as somewhat sheepish voting (though that seems to be the common trend here). I could be wrong about this, since this is mostly a gutread; that’s how I feel right now though.
Boss110 - Null - I can’t sort him out yet. I might need to do this by association.
Captain - Scumlean - He is not even trying, and while that might be true for some others on this list too, his votes have been absolutely horrible - enough for me to label this as a scumlean.
Cassar - Null - I can barely find his posts anywhere, and my gut is silent. So I’m going to settle on a null read for now.
CheesyKnives - Scumlean - Not enough content for me to formulate a well-reasoned argument, but my gut is telling me this is scum.
ConfustoLook - Null - Self-aware sheep. I’m not sure what to think about this, so in the end, I might need to read him by association. Though to be fair, my gut is telling me this is our second neutral.
Eevee - Null - I’m holding back on this read because I feel like it’s going to be wrong. I’m going to read him by association later, like a few others on this list, because I don’t think I can properly read him directly.
Firekitten - Town - It has come to this. Reading Litten. No, I’m just kidding. To be completely honest, in this game in particular, our Kitten feels particularly town to me. There is a ton of analysis in his posts no matter how you look at it, and even if you disagree with his opinions, he’s clearly trying. Which is why I hate the wagon on him, especially since it seems to be based on Orange’s gutread - and Orange is not a god despite being experienced. What’s more, I think I’ve seen a claim about him ‘sheeping’ - and in my opinion, he is doing everything but sheeping. He has started several wagons, though none have quite gained momentum.
GamerPoke - Scumlean - Not enough content for me to formulate an opinion… is what I want to say. But him being the ultimate sheep pings me in a bad way.
Hippolytus - Scum - Absolutely all of his posts are fluff, and coming from him, that has been scum indicative so far from my experience. I am willing to change that read if he starts contributing, but for now, I don’t see anything he’s done as town.
htm - Townlean - In all honesty, after the entire situation between him and Unknown got resolved, I’m comfortable labeling this as a townlean. His posts, while not very analytic, had a towny tone to me + his votes are okay, even if somewhat sheepish.
Insanity - Null - Not enough content for me to formulate an opinion.
Livicus - Town - I feel this warrants an explanation. I pressured Shurian mostly because I wanted to see how Livicus would react to that - and his reaction in particular, as well as my current read on at least one of his abilities, makes him a strong town slot to me.
Luxy - Townlean - Being a new player, Luxy is tough to read correctly, especially since he/she seems to be going with the flow all the time. Luxy being a townlean is purely my gut, so I could be way off.
Marcus_Doodalee - Scumlean - I really don’t like his posts, to be fair. He was in RVS for a long time, and his later posts feel like IIoA. I might change this read, but at the moment, I don’t see Marcus as town.
Margaret - Neutral - Seriously, this might seem like an odd read, but Celeste/Margaret simply makes sense to be a neutral for me. After ISOing her, that’s the only conclusion I’ve come to, and I’m very comfortable with this read.
MaximusPrime - Scum - I don’t really like any of his posts this game, including the absolute lack of voting and concern for the game. He seems to be scum which is watching from the sidelines and not being pressured at all. And I realize it’s common for me to read him incorrectly and pressure him, causing SaltMax to activate, but I still can’t shake off the feeling this time, he really is scum.
Memesky - Null - Do I even have to say anything?
MtheJoker - Null - Same here.
orangeandblack5 - Town - Extremely active. The problem with his playstyle I have is that he does a ton, and I mean a ton, of naked voting without explaining very well. But I think that so far, his votes and posts have been town-motivated, and I’m comfortable with him as my town core.
PoisonedSquid - Townlean - Not very active at all, but my gutread is town. That is really all I have to say about Squid.
PokemonKidRyan - Scum - Despite being fairly active, he seems to not be reading anyone at all, or even trying to. Constantly asking for others to update him, and overall feeling much more of a sheep this game than in the previous ones I’ve seen him in. He is not getting involved, and I really don’t like that either.
Pug - Townlean - I disagree with his reads almost completely, but I don’t see them as scum indicative. What sets him as a townlean for me is the tone of his posts, as well as what he claimed, though that plays a much smaller part. That’s all I have to say.
Psychoneirik - Townlean - Sheep incarnate, but my gut is telling me this is town. That is about it.
Sam17z - Null - Nothing to analyze here, at least in my opinion.
Sarun - Scumlean - I really like him as a player in general, but that’s beside the point. He has been active and analytical, and while I disagree with many of his statements, I don’t necessarily see them as scummy. What seems off about him is that he seems very hesitant to vote people, but that also seems to be within his playstyle, so I’m not reading into this as scummy either. However, there is one problem I have with him - day ends very soon and he hasn’t quite sped up his game, which is odd and might be the case because he has settled on a vote which is a mislynch. And to me, he has, because I read FK as town.
Shurian - Null…? - I pressured Shurian because I wanted to see Livicus’ reaction and sort him out. But to be completely honest, after the two completely different types of posts Shurian provided us with, I don’t even know how to read Shurian anymore. I feel this could be town as easily as scum, and neutral is an equally likely possibility. I’m going to have to read this by association.
Simon - Null - Where is he?
Solic - Null - To be completely honest, I cannot label him as either town or scum based on the content he provided; but he seems to be playing differently here then when I previously saw him play, which is noteworthy. I’m not sure whether that makes him town or scum though, so I’m not saying he’s either.
Tw1light - Scum - I really dislike the wagon he started, and him being this inactive is far from the usual playstyle I’ve seen from him (based on past games - boil me for past game association if you want). Also, he is defending my scumlean without actually providing arguments, and by association, this would make both him and Ashe scum if I’m correct.
Unknown - Town - First of all, I see deathtunneling as town indicative, as bad as it is. Secondly, while he has not quite been playing well so far, I don’t see any scum motivation behind his actions whatsoever. If he was trying to set up a mislynch, he wouldn’t do this by deathtunneling. Finally - while his votes are few and far between, the tone of his posts and the way he explains his votes just feels incredibly towny to me. I could be interpreting this completely incorrectly, but to me, Unknown is town. And I realize I’m going against the general opinion here.
Vulgard - No - I’m not going down the rabbit hole of reading myself, that’s pointless. I’m town though
Wolfy - Town - I’m a huge fan of Wolfy’s posts every time, and even if I see a few of them as misplaced, I can sense town motivation behind them. To me, this should be one of the players in our town core.

With that textwall built and all of that said, this is the vote I’m settling on.

/vote Tw1light

This has to be pressured. I’ve done this to good effect in SFoL 25. But, if the day ends before Tw1light gets online, I’m willing to switch my vote to whoever is Scum on my readlist.


Have fun reading this ^

Damn… I guess there goes lack of town motivation as a reason to hang you.

I’d love to make a readslist. In fact, if you ISO me, I said I am doing one tonight. Since after 3000 posts, it makes it almost impossible to read. Especially when travelling and not staying in the same place

Should explain how pokes ability work.

He can redirect a ITA to himself. If it misses he gain ITA chance…
that’s why livicus is going to shoot someone other than poke.

I believe poke to be 100% town because I don’t think he would of answered the questions like he did if he was scum.

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Shit I like that list wtf

Tonight = After EoD :thinking:

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If you need proof of my travels, I can provide.
As calling me scum and saying I haven’t made a readslist when I said I am going to make one, is clearly unfair.

Don’t forget, inactivity is NAI

I provide it at start of next day though.
How do you expect me to make one without a secure connection?

I said you’re not reading or trying to read, the latter part is what really bothers me to be honest

I am trying. Consider the fact that there are about 20 posts being made within a span of a few minutes

Yeah I never did that and I’m the one voting you

Speaking of hey Ashe and FK voters

Give me a reason why PKR is a worse vote

You don’t have one


If I need to out my role, I will do.
But just warning, y’all will regret it.
I am going to provide when I can
I cannot stop us travelling and I cannot make myself have a connection.
I will try in a bit, again
I just ask people do not flipping spam post

Ok so I seem as scum to Vulgard that may be correct.Most of posts are about game itself and i am still trying to understand how fire emblems even work

how much time do we have left?

If anyone here knows whether PKR does AtE as scum or town more, please tell me

I might switch my vote if this continues