Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

My life

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@Vulgard Hey could u speak to us on Simon’s behalf since hes still pretty inactive

I’d imagine he’d also be inactive in marriage chat if he’s already inactive in-game, so yeah. May as well ping him directly.

Yo Personal countdown to ITA time I mean Margaret how long have we got until ITAs??

Speaking of ITAs, do we have any procedures set up to prevent people from random ITAing each other?

As Wolfy said d1, I’m for using them as an alternative to policy lynches.

I decided to ISO Hippo for the lolz to find out if he’d actually claimed being a killer or not.

Given that he can kill people according to Luxy, I somewhat believe Hippo was serious here.

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Speaking of Simon - he did speak in marriage chat and I will say this. He already proved his claim - whether that claim is a scum role or not is up for debate from what I’ve already seen

Simon’s not one of those marker thingies is he?

I believe he’s town though

Now, on the other hand, the Unknown situation


This was honesty me adapting to the mentality of the plurality lynch + I thought Firekitten’s accusation was legitimate, which led me to trying to prove him wrong because I thought that was stupid

Keep in mind that I consistently read Unknown as town and was correct on this so that was not unwarranted; even though my read on Unknown was far from solid back then

As for my current wagon - it seems it exists based on that particular ISO, so I hope the explanation is satisfactory. I haven’t pressured my scumreads mostly because I haven’t had the time to do so; but now I do.

/vote Hippo

Where are you?

Besides, the forum is working like trash for me rn so expect slower responses to anything that may be happening

When I get back home hopefully I’ll start figuring out association reads; before the 2nd ITA phase I’d like to be able to shoot someone who isn’t necessarily active and seems scum by association

Note: Potential marriage strategies and scumreading based on that was not, to my knowledge, brought up before then. That’s why I have FK in my town core for even bringing that up.

Reading that way may be wrong, but after he said it, the Pug/Confusto pairing formed; it’s possible that Confusto is scum based on that, since Pug flipped Corrin, but FK is reading him as town for some inexplicable (to me) reason

Also I think Luxy also proposed after FK said that; it’s possible Luxy is also scum based on that, if we assume Cheesy is town

However - important - if there were two or more unmarried maf members at that time, it’s possible they married between each other to throw us off. Which is what Luxy/Cheesy pairing could be

I do think Confusto looks bad if we read based on marriages though, especially considering his relative lack of contribution; he’s a prime target for me to ITA at the moment, despite his claim

You can say that the type of role he claimed is inherently town, but there’s no guarantee he’s not fakeclaiming an investigative

Though if FK really has a genuinely good reason to not ITA him or focus on him, I might change my mind.

I need to re-read Luxy’s posts for a better analysis; the above are just my current thoughts

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9 hours I believe. 6 hours makes 10, 3 hours makes 1.

Yeah, 9 hours my boy. Don’t be late cuz its gonna be chaotic

Also I really don’t like the fact that Marcus hasn’t quite provided the scumreading he’d promised; I understand irl reasons and all but he didn’t use them to defend himself, to my knowledge. And we all know how scummy some of his posts were.

This might just be bad town play, but I’m inclined to believe it’s not

Unless I missed something while getting updated, and if I did, do tell

Well I’ll give you my top 3 townreads as of right now


Livi was at #2 but I see FK’s push on me today as coming from absolutely nothing but town, so he is my top townread at the moment.

That’s actually my exact town core, so I can’t not be comfortable with that

I’m quite suspicious of the fact you’re so agreeable with my reads though; do you think I’m scum or not?

I haven’t paid too much attention to your reads actually. I’ll ISO you rn

Funny thing is, that is not my town core at all LOL