Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Oh? What is?

Your enslavement :wink:

I actually asked seriously because I want to sort you

Ahem, I meant to say my town core is…
And some situationals below that I shall not name yet since I don’t want to post my reads and isos yet

Also is it bad that me and twi’s marriage chat is over 200 posts?

Like way over…

Okay these demand an explanation

And yet, you shall not recieve

Margaret - Neutral -> Scumlean

(Also sorry for whoever thought I was going to post when I was typing for like 500 years in the past two hours, was working on isos and sht. Dunt worri about it$

Seriously though that’s an absolutely terrible town core based on what each of these players has done

I could maybe understand you locking Twi as town in your marriage chat somehow, but the other two baffle me + you’re outright refusing to explain it

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Here is Celeste’s daily word of advice, “Neutrals do not exist. Well at least not ‘true’ neutrals. You shall see what I mean eventually after re-reading posts and slowly making the hosts go mad when you angleshoot questions perfectly to get the answer you want from the hosts.

(Ah gosh I forgot to add the end quote, just act like its there pls)

/vote Margaret

I actually want the answers, so if there’s no other way

Tbh, u actually thought a vote would get my answers outta me? No no no Vulgard, incorrect once again.

I shall only speak largely when my waifu moderates my speech! After all, I don’t wanna slip up and stuff.

I dislike the WIFOM you’re practicing

Though I’m not sure if it’s ever been part of your meta or not

Its always apart of my OkayCelesteYouHaveANiceGameHostedByYourFavoriteHostAndMarlSoDontDieBeforeDayFourAndMakeSureToLeadTownInMarlsSteadCeleste

am I diving down a rabbit hole guys

