Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

If you want my info, u gotta ask my waifu and not me my boi

@Twil1ight Is Margaret town

If town!Margaret = yes, explain why

Hmmm, I don’t seeing you trying all that much during RVS, lots of fluff/memes. Fairly NAI stuff.

Something strikes me as odd about this post, but it’s probably just due to all thats taken place since that post. I’d like an update on where you think town should trend to ITAing in regards to things like activity

I see a fair bit of what Orange calls “wagonomics” getting into what I think is close to yestaerdays lynch-breaking CFD I think you updated it later on, it’ll probably come when I get to your readlist.


I disagree with this read based on today’s pressure on me, makes mental note to ISO Blizer

Captain - Scumlean
htm - Townlean
Tw1light - Scum
Sarun - Scumlean

These are reads which I haven’t properly analysed here.

Also note that I have avoided conversation with the newbies eg Confusto, Gamerpoke, Cassar.

If ITA was ending soon and I had to make a shot, it would be Max because he has been saltan incarnate today and hasn’t done too much about it apart from saying “stop saying im lock-scum because it hurts my feelings.” Well tough love honey, AtE won’t work here.

I fully believe the people who should be ITAd are those who are inactive and/or don’t respond to pressure at all

The reason being that it is impossible to get a read on them unless we rely on investigative checks that can be falsified

Meanwhile players who are consistently active and actually respond to messages/accusations should be lynched instead; this gives more info and provides potential association reads

ITAing players who uniformically provide content is bad for town because if they all get ITAd, there’s very little to scumread and lynching becomes much more random

He can kill at night and more effectively than other mafia if he is mafia. He said he could dayvig, not night kill. (Hippo)

Fair warning : it wont work

Someone just summoned me from my basement. :eyes:

Do I think Margaret is town?

You can agree with me or not but I think this the towniest looking Celeste I ever saw. Despire the fact she memeing in first half of day 1 (Which is completely NAI since she wasnt only who was memeing). Also her high active contribution speaks for itself.

Adding some good work at ISO’ing and making a “spreadsheet” to not loss track on some people are telling, the odds she’s scum are more than unlikely, in my opinion.

(Sorry to burst your bubble Twi but I do spreadsheets as scum too)

This pings me as town and not LAMIST because I was about to bring up the same point

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Immediately accepts a proposal

I see lots of fluff in between these two posts, my guts getting a sort of feeling that there is something lurking not in what he is saying, but what he is not saying

I think this post sums up nicely the bulk of where Captains focus is this game. I feel like this is his town AI and paradoxically think that Captain will talk in a more clear and concise manner as scum as per the direction of his scumbuddies.
On a slight note, I get the tone of someone who hasn’t played very much FM st all in his postings.

What is still baffling to me is Margaret’s town core and I wonder if it has something to do with your marriage chat

I think her ‘towncore’ was a meme.

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On the otherhand I’m satified with Vulgard’s explanation.

/vote hippo

Hippo is an effective night killer. He also has contributed nothing but fluff and possibly admitted to being the mafia mass claim killer with his dayvig comment.

He is killer?

Do her findings appear genuine, or sheeped in regards to active players? I e FK, Orange maybe Vul…?

He has the ability to kill at night. And more effectively than other mafia if he is actually mafia.

How do you know that?

My check.

I can prove Hippo as scum/not scum today