Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

If anything

There’s 4 mafia
One lost wolf
One survivor
One neutral whatever

Or if livicus is mafia
5 mafia
One survivor
One lost wolf

Then why’d you get more sus of Livi

That’s only if livicus is neutral

I see scenario 2 more likely

Then u trying to say, Solic joined maf and then got shot by them (or a random town)

no there is zero way that was a town shot it was more likely a scum shot

Meaning scum shot a lost wolf

If it was Town it would be aimed at livicus

cough Yet you target Livi instead of rereading and associative reading who he was blatantly against?

Heres my thought process, Livi couldnt have been the shooter

At this point, its confirmed that Livi is going to die

Wouldnt it be better to shoot you, the town leader and the main person on his train?

actually if it was a town shot

They wouldn’t shoot livicus cause we need their alignment

They would shoot someone we would have lynched the next day, because solic wasn’t getting accused that heavily besides me and I don’t see Town shooting that

That’s exactly my point

It was a weird shot

I dont see why youre getting more sus of Livi though

It would be someone that is less sus

Or someone that isn’t posting at all…

Oh I don’t think livicus is the shooter

I just don’t believe their neutral claim because we know there was a lost wolf.

Do you count lost wolf .25 of .5 of a mafia

You confuse me so badly

I count Lost Wolf as Neutral Killer until they join Mafia

I divided 21 by 4 and got 5.25

That’s how much mafia there should be imo

Its in their best interest to increase kill number and mislynch blindly and help out mafia so when they do join, they already did so much damage independantly of the mafia that town cant recover

Hm ok

What about neuts?

1/6 of the remainder?

There’s like 2 neutrals IMO