Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Then try for new heroes…?

Not really. It was that their interaction with you when pushing was towny.

It was a completely natural agreement on the ‘rvs’ point, where they were working with you on hunting.

I’ll reiterate my point about CitJR 3 Pre-roll where you both worked together to push me (my posts were scummy there, despite me flipping town).

oh yeah also guys

Robin is going to be very helpful

so put your stuff into Awakening
seems like those are general all-round utility abilities

No u, ill be waiting for the next round

RIP Lost Wolf didn’t even get a chance to join his pack

This is reachy but I think it’s Town reachy unless the scum team is completely falling apart, I don’t exactly remember working with luxy and if anything I’m trying to work with ninja here

You thought Solic was lost wolf?

No, this is what they claimed to me during 4th Event.


Who exactly do you think is scum?

Poke don’t be like that

you guys are dead set on lynching me when my wagon has uncovered several scum

and I probably have something very close to an Obs’ follow which can stop scum dead in their tracks

@Geyde in case you didn’t see


what did we do to work together? Geyde quote it

Then why not out it immediately…



I believe livicus claim of being a neutral even less

at least my gut feeling of something being off was right a little until I decided to trust them

I’m never not trusting my gut again

Why would that be relevant to eachother…

lost wolf is neutral?

I count it as scum but continue

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Or are you saying there is more than one lost wolf

which would definitely improve scum’s late game?