Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I want to spend my orbs but today has so many… Meh ways to use them :frowning:

I have a bad idea

Stealing them from me?


Okay boys
Got a poll for yall
A. Hero Shop
B. A very bad idea

and your answers might not have any impact

Oh yeah
I was giving out heroes earlier to compensate for the bad summon focuses

Not sure if you saw that or not

  • Shop 1
  • Shop 2
  • Shop 3
  • Save up for tomorrow

0 voters

^ Poll for how I spend my orbs today :expressionless:
By 1, 2, 3. I mean options 1, 2 and 3 for summoning focus

I didn’t! How’d it go?

Its still going

But this bad idea is too good

so you see here we have a wild town PKR in its natural habitat

All heroes are delivered the day after

But I cant do both this bad idea and hero shop

im trying to upgrade my robin to level 3 so shop one i need that 25% chance


Hero shop or bad idea

I want level 3 robin too xD
We need to be bros still



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hopefully i get to event 4 so i can summon from shop 1