Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Then in that case fake claiming a guilty hampers everyone’s ability to make reads. Instead we are left to sort through this bullshit.

This is literally how reaction test works. :roll_eyes:

No it isn’t. I reaction tested you thrice and you failed all of them.

All a reaction test is is doing something for a reaction.

Except I don’t believe Margaret is Town at all. Her Town motivation is basically non-existen moreover she was more busy with events and shadethrowing Survivor claim for no reason rather than actually focus on game.

That’s great. You don’t believe it.

This is Margaret we are talking about here. She plays very unorthodox and things some things are townie that are/aren’t.

I full well believe that she believes that what she is doing is townie and you read like a huge OMGUS

Which exactly what happened with mine. After she was more busy with insuling me rather actually prove my check is fake.

You dont need to protect me :thinking:

Twilight, have I ever said I’m town

This is not how it works. I already said why I did what I did.

From her perspective if she is town it is fake though. She doesn’t have to investigate your claim to prove it. You’re expecting rational discourse when you piss someone like Margaret off it is very difficult (sorry Margaret) instead you have to make calm points and reach out like I tried to do so I could sort your claim.

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In your little fight, all I’ve done was disprove both your claim and your actions but have I ever defended myself?

I don’t care to, nor need to.

I just dont need a neut running around trying to ruin town’s streak

Sorry Margaret that came off hella rude. You’re an amazing person just sometimes it’s infuriating.


Didnt come off as rude lol

Tbh unless someone calls me a slut or something I wouldnt call it rude or anything

I’m going to read up because I know I’ve seen some things.

Point here: I’m defending the “little neut”

You done absolutely nothing and you needed HELP someone to prove my check is fake.


Please explain. Because a 3P claim proven lying forcing a town CC is very rarely if ever 3P or town

Give post where 3p is made.

Explain what is 3p.

Twilight = survivor = 3P claim she quoted it herself.

You know you didn’t have to do that? Don’t tell me I forced you do anything. You did that on your own free will. If you wanted to be in scum’s pocket very well. Not my problem.

3P = 3rd party aka not town and not scum