Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

do you have a problem with me not wanting to claim yet??

apparently yes, you do

don’t you think i would’ve claimed already if i was mafia???


Notice the words

You believe

ok fine mislynch me please

/vote Maximusprime

@eevee can i kill myself

No I think you don’t know Fire Emblem flavor well enough to know if you have a scum exclusive flavor


We aren’t even voting you

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like if you are Town

At least read the thread and give us your thoughts

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I’m a PR fisherman and I’m reeling in a big haul of scum

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The strongest net arm on the east coast

@Twil1ight what powers do you have as a survivor?

Well… If they aren’t killed by mod by the end of this Night, then I think we should start cleaning them up.

They don’t. Even if it was town, you should sacrifice yourself for town’s own good.
Town must go for those who jumped at scumslip. The first (you) and the following are equally more suspicious.

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Event in 20 minutes

@BlueStorm what are you thinking at the moment and your reads?

I think squid is scum tbh

And why is that?


What exactly bothered you in that post I know what bothered me but what bothered you

Why do you think the chance is low?

Solic I’m hunting squid want to join?

Thought to say I’m at work so activity is gonna be a bit shaky for the next good few hours.
Will be in event though becuase why not?

For now.