Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I see badness

Now Iā€™ll be over here just deciding on how to prove FK is scum other than that since I know that that little post wonā€™t do anything



What hero showed what solic had?

Only in yourself

cough cough

Event 1:

-Mode of the day-

Computer access Required
Time estimated Max. 1 hour
Summon stones Min. 1 / Max. 5
Max. players N/A

This event will repeat every day with new ā€œMode of the dayā€ and the new challenge.

Your task? Get the best possible score in 1 hour from us sending you the instruction about the event.
To get the challange instruction, write ā€œ/Mode of the dayā€ in role pm.

At the end of the day all scores will be compared and rewards distributed:

  • 1 stone for participation
  • +3 stones for overall ranking
  • +1 stone for beating Icibalusā€™s result
Mode for today


This should be fun ~ Icibalus

I suck at this! ~ Icibalus 10 minutes later

Itā€™s quite fun ~ Icibalus 40 minutes later


wait we can do it again?

Also as soon as I use your logic of having the hero on you, you say it is shitty. That is sus

Oh boy FK

Not everyone done it yet, Iā€™m just reposting it whole day through so whoever wants can join.


Is it better to save up orbs and then use em together or just keep using it as soon as you get it?

I would do this except that Iā€™m not at a computer

Wonā€™t get home until late tonight

Keep using as soon as possible since u get to decide if the heroes general skill is to your liking

1 Like

I think thereā€™s at least 5 Scum tbh with the neutral claims

Iā€™m about to do something

Sounds Obviously Like I Canā€™t do this still.

If it is, spam your orbs on that banner

If not, try the other banner(s)

But what if none of the heroes you have are in the summoning pool?

@Geyde you are Town reading luxy for pushing on someone right? What makes that different from a scumpush.

Personal question

You might also want to listen to what others say the hero is to make sure its worth your initial orbs