[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

/best girl Arete

s t o l e n


Get on my level.

alright expel italy

Majority has been reached.

@Arete is officialy the best girl now.

Arete, please send in your rolecard a choice of person to be lynched.

All lynch-related abilities and passives might still be used.


Can we still talk?

remind me to put this in best of quotes after the game ends

arete best girl

Put this in best quotes after the game ends


I suppose we still have to make lists later.


oof looks like we probably don’t get another event

basically just get wolf reads

well what are yours right now?

So far Ici, Emilia, and maybe those that won’t read.

Can u go further in on what makes them not reading makes them scum to you?

@Arete expel me you wont

Emilia hasn’t added anything to the game other than UwU, Ici is semi refusing to read (and isn’t trying to solve this mystery), and it’s the same with others who won’t participate or read. I know this doesn’t go too far, but I am crap at explaining my suspicions. Most of the time my suspicions are gut feelings.

Well why dont u feel the same way about other players like SImon?