[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

He would be under the “others” part because I haven’t seen much from him, but he does seem suspicious.

Event 3


We already had a quiz, we already picked our best girl… so time for a homework!



Send your answers to in your rolecards.

You may use all your chats to consult on this.

If it helps my Rolecard has the word “Goo” in it as Flavour.

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should we tell eevee that the answers are posted as well?

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this game was an elaborate scheme to help eevee pass polish math class



like the full solutions are literally right after the question lmao

DatBird I want you to look at what you just said to Simon.
Now tell me you didn’t ask him a stupid question.

How long do we have to complete this event

He posted the solutions first because he’s dumb


Oh nvm eevee changed the event time to big brain it

It’s homework

Due tomorrow

Drybones look at me and now look at yourslef, why are you asking a stupid man why he asked stupid questions

Um, it’s vital to understand what in the world is going on here.

Note to self

Don’t ever let eevee be a teacher

Andrej’s a pretty decent player.
I play with him on Mafia451.

So if I already saw the solution back when the problems were first posted does that disqualify me from the event

Here unfortunately he mainly slacks and gets replaced out

Andrej =/= Andres

So. Had an emergency yesterday. I’ll be reading the thread now and actually start playing now that I’ve got shit solved.